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It. Is. Out.

I know some of you have been waiting for this one for a looong time [and because of an unforeseen problem, had to wait a little longer! πŸ˜‚] I loved making this one, and you'll see that I've gone a little wild in some places, a little self-indulgent in others. 

Whatever your orientation and kink-palette, I suggest you play it - it's a big update, and there's a bit of something for everybody. You'll find 500 new pics, 2 new kinks, and 1 new character; alongside mm, mf, ff & bi content, tons of new music, jokes, conversations and backstory. πŸ‘―β€β™‚οΈ

Serving Suggestions:

Best results on the m/m route are obtained if Sam is your πŸ’PLI, and taboo opens rather a lot of scenes on all routes. I'd also suggest you get the new 'Playa' kink... as long as you don't mind sharing πŸ˜‰ And, as usual, keep the sound on! 🎢


SpaceCorps v0.3.4b for PC [MEGA]

SpaceCorps v0.3.4b for PC [GOOGLE]

SpaceCorps v0.3.4b for Mac [MEGA]

SpaceCorps v0.3.4b for Android [MEGA]

Hope you enjoy playing it as much I did making it. Let me know what you think in the comments below, or over on Discord! πŸ˜€

EDIT 04/01: Added Google link

EDIT 11/01: Opened to Sergeants [I know it's not a tier benefit, but you guys deserve a New Year's gift!] 😜

EDIT 12/01: Opened to Ensigns! [another New Yearβ€˜s gift!] 🎁 

EDIT 13/01: Opened to Cadets! 😜

EDIT 14/01: Public Release! πŸ™Œ

EDIT 15/01: Android version added! πŸ€–




WooHoo! 😍😍😍😍😍


Just played through it, and WOWWWW. I know I'm biased because it's Sam, but this is my favorite update since I joined!! You weren't kidding about the content, soooo much stuff!! SPOILERS AHEAD people! That beach fantasy was incredible! Particularly the inclusion of a DP, that's soooo rare in these games, for obvious reasons. That whole segment was fire. The flashbacks with Sam and Dan were absolute fireeee, and I'm only sad things didn't progress even more lol. Also very shocked about Dan's fate, say it ain't so!! :( Poor Sam... I do hope we somehow see Dan again... The continuation of the hug scene earlier was great, frotting is really underrated imo! And the PLI scene was so sweet, and so very worth the wait! Of course, the grand finale was just the right amount of horniness while keeping it realistic for the story! Also, the music was on point as always! Gangnam style?? LOL I do have a question, I first played it with Sam as PLI and then without, and both times the ending it gave me was 2/3 (That went well), so I'm wondering if I missed how to get ending 1?

L. Sugarkane

Hmm, I have some Dan based theories brewing...but in any case it was a very fun update


***SPOILERS BELOW*** Whew that Disney curve ball with Dan's reveal, didn't expect that coming. Though I have a feeling we don't know the full story/will be seeing him again. I reealllllllyyy wanted things to get more physical between Sam & Dan with those flashback, was expecting the "curiosity" story line. I guess it's part of the slow burn for that kink. This update is right up there with Ayewn's for me. I was REALLY caught off guard with Dan's seemingly (πŸ‘€) tragic ending and just the Sung bros relationship. For whatever reason I thought you'd give them the siblings who don't get along too well but still love each other plot lol. I dooooo I have some questions that this update made me think of! So after we get all of these chat segments with the recruits, that's when we'll wrap up Phase 1 and move into Phase 2 with the missions? How will the story be integrated into those? I was sorta under the impression gameplay will change? Will the main story continued to be told inbetween watches? Also, will there be more chat segments like this in the future mixed into watches? I see the "bunk off" option already there. Plus, some of Sam's segments seemed like cliff hangers. Particularly with one of the Dan Taboo scenes (yes, this partly me wanting to that go further lol) and how Sam feels about Chang. Do we have to have other talks to see/hear more about them or will it show up naturally in the story based off relationship stats? Overall you're very detail with your story and it always a pleasure when we get more in depth with your characters. Looking forward to seeing how continues to grow in 2021! ***SPOILERS ABOVE***


Hot update - like it - thanks for the work

Ryan Fox

Oh πŸ˜₯ Sam didn't fancy me. I guess...I did something wrong?


I do love throwing a curveball 🏈 I won’t give any spoilers on the Dan storyline, but there will be more to come [prob not in the rest of these conversations].


This update was well worth the wait! All the scenes with multiple kinks and all the spectrum of sexuality were what I was expecting for so long. I got to praise you for the storytelling. Fatima and Sam both have deep backgrounds with the right ammount of drama, mystery and lust. I am looking forward for the rest of the characters there - any chance we can know the order, Anna, Cole and Cis I guess? And last but not least, the soundtrack is the cherry on top as always. I was expecting some k-pop for the Sung family and when Gangnam started to play I was surprise because at first I didnt recognise the song. Hahaha. Loved the update. The best one until now.


Thanks, Alex! 😍 Lol, yes - took me a while to find a Gangnam different enough you can't immediately tell.


In case anyone is wondering why they didn't get Ending1/3: If your scorecard shows Sam and MC kissing, you did - I made a mistake with the scorecard image, meaning 1/3 is mislabelled 3/3 😳 The coding knows what you got, so it won't affect gameplay πŸ˜€


The update (and the game) is awesome. Sam is my favorite (and Dan too now πŸ˜€) and I was sad when we learn more of his past. I really hope we will see more of Dan.


Please no more MEGA links! I loathe having to setup and download an app, setup another account I don't particularly want, just so I can download this update to my Mac.


Oh, I have really enjoyed the update. Great! Everything has been said already, perhaps only one thing. MINOR SPOILER: Have you guys witnessed Cole's reaction to prolonged hugh/frotting scene? There is one small detail... Certainly opens further possibilities πŸ˜‰


how do i continue where i left off?


Hey Andrew! You should just be able to click on Sam in the conversation selector :)


so, will the Playa kink include also sharing male partners? ;)


Not this one πŸ˜‰ I’m still in two minds about whether to even kink-gate mm sharing (literally no one has ever said they have a problem with it πŸ˜‚). I’ll prob do a poll when it comes up 😏


is there a way to carry my saved games over from the previous version?


Hey David! You should see your previous saved games when you click load :)


Dude great update. Sam is such a horndog. I can't wait to see where it goes next. Also I must agree great story telling. I can't wait to see what happens with Cole so that he got moved a year back.


I had to move my saved games from one file to the other (I have V0.3.4a and b), but yes, once I loaded a game, all my stuff came back up. Apologies for the asinine question.


No need for apologies! On a PC, it usually saves the games in your appdata (in Users) so that you don’t have to move saves every time.


Is it necessary to do that with a Mac? I'm a PC user and I just use the MEGA Web site to download via my browser without any app download or need to register.


The update was great ^^ I really enjoyed all the backstory (to be fair I most likely missed a bit as I maneuvered around the straight content as best as I could XD). Maybe my brain just didn't process it but Dan was taken the year prior to MC and Sam? Wouldn't that mean he and Cole were in at the same time? Prior to Cole dropping out for yet unknown reasons or did my brain make that up (that may very well be the case). I hope we see more of Dan in the future and that he's actually doing okay somewhere. He isn't dead to me until I see a body XD Also damn people are thirsty for their Sam content the growth this page has gotten for just that update is wild xd


I think I'll be shocked if we find out that Dan DID actually die :D my theory for now is that either got prisoner (because of the war or maybe because of the whole prophecy thing?) and they're doing *unspeakable* things to him, or that he was actually recruited for some kind of secret mission and they had to fake his death for some reason. I didn't connect that Cole (and Cis too?) must have been recruited with him so now I'm wondering if the Cole update will provide some hints (I guess it will just be focused on Cole's backstory, though).


yeah, I noticed, that's why I asked :) In a sense it's ironic that the big gay multipartner scene involving Sam is "hidden" within a supposedly hetero choice! 😁 (Morgana)

AdΓ‘n GarcΓ­a

I was able to download it until yesterday: So first: Is great, I tried every route. I loved it. Now some points: 1st I always suspected that Bailey was with Jared only for the money. Now with the memories from Sam and Fatima is pretty clear. But why she wasnΒ΄t at the scene whit CiCi, Dan and Felix? Did she evade conscription like Cole? 2nd Dan was great, and IΒ΄m sure that he was as popular in the showers in his time as the MC is in the present. Also, I think that each boy was from a different father. taking into consideration the differences between them. And their motherΒ΄s history.


Lol - yes. I still have to find a way to fit that into the mm route πŸ˜‚


Lol... it’s been hotly anticipated 😁 Yes, Dan was in the same year as Cis, Felix, Cole and Bailey. More info on First Class to come πŸ˜‰


Thanks Adan! Hehe, Bailey may not have been as loyal a friend as Cole believed πŸ€‘


This was your best update yet! Sam was so well written as the love interest, it feels like he and MC are the canon OTP ;) I got all three sequences shown, the MMF bi threesome, the hug into kiss AND the Gangnam Style sequence, but I was always getting the 2/3 ending and the scorecard is not of Sam and MC kissing... what did I do wrong? :/


As a hint: he already has! (You still get to comfort him, tho πŸ˜‰)


Thanks Mitaso! I made a mistake with the coding... 1/3 is actually impossible. This won’t affect the content you see, just the score (to get perfect score, you’ll have to play the scene again when the bug-fix comes out).


Poor Dan. Wonder if later on we'll get a hot memory of him with cousin Felix, cause that's what I really hope to see. Also funny how the mc takes more after Dan in body type and build as Dan was a total beefcake too while Sam is all cute and slender, like cousin Felix. Just sad that after this awesome update Anna now stands between us and the Cole update.


at least Anna and Cole will be released together, so you won't have to wait another month just for Cole :)


Luca's right, Anna and Cole will be released at the same time! 😁 [well, that's the plan, anyway]


Android version now Added! πŸ€–


Hmm, how odd - Bitdefender just killed the executable of this update as Malware when I tried to play. :(


antiviruses can be monsters when it comes to .exes. You may have to switch it off (but you should keep some sort of protection on, even if it’s just Windows Defender)


I'm so proud of my boy: 119 perversions in just one day! Brings a tear to the eye. Although I do have one concern: Sam gets the pillow to sleep on, shouldn't MC souvenir the cumrag? I guessing that the stable Sexual Histories will be updated to reflect changes at some point? I'm not so sure Sam's straight any more - and I do seem to recall seeing quite a few different characters in situations that can only be described as sexual. Or possibly cum-soaked. Or at the very least, naked. I did enjoy MC's reaction to Cole's reaction in Sam's fantasy incidentally. That and a few other points [pun possibly intended] made me laugh out loud several times. :) <3 for everything so far!


Thanks, Phreddy! Lol - yes, the Stables are work in progress and will be updated, and no... MC won't be keeping the cummy pillow πŸ˜‚ Good job on 119, btw! I have 140, and they're all my kinks 😜