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Merry Christmas to all my wonderful Patrons... ๐Ÿ˜„

One of my favourite things about making SpaceCorps is choosing the music - and I've had more than a few Patron requests for a soundtrack over the last couple of years ๐ŸŽถ

Well, here it is - 7.5 hours of my messed-up musical tastes in one gigantic mixtape! [complete with naughty pictures ๐Ÿ˜œ]. Some of you may be hearing a few songs for the first time - since many are dependant on your choices - and some of you may even find a few scenes you missed!

Since SpaceCorps is all about choice, I've divided up the music into 9 selectable genres... so country-haters or electro-fans [etc] can listen in without their pet peeves interrupting. Only the purists may want to listen to the 9th category [Gamey] - but I'm pretty sure that there's something for almost everybody ๐Ÿ˜Ž

Hope you like your present! ๐ŸŽ 

๐Ÿ’ Love, RanliLabz


2020 Mixtape for PC 

2020 Mixtape for Mac 


Click mouse or space to advance to next track. I'm a terrible coder, so there's no pause [aside from save] and no rewind ๐Ÿ˜‚ This is a Patron-only gift, so I'd ask you not to share. Let me know if there are any mistakes with the tracks in the comments below or over on Discord, and... enjoy! ๐Ÿ˜Š




Ranli, that's completely crazy! I am afraid it is not in human possibilities to play your game and wait every second to catch every new tune, wait until the "theme" or "motto" is developed and only then click to the next picture, especially if there are NO words... Anyway, thanks again :-)


Poor Cole over there rolling his eyes and gnashing his teeth over MC somehow fitting 7.5 hours of music on a 60 minute cassette.


Lol - he should have guessed MC would be a Mixtape Master from his name ๐Ÿ˜‚