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The second quiz question was about the music playing during the scene where you kissed Fatima - which Lieutenant Thaddeus correctly identified as a dubstep version of Swan Lake. In addition to knowing his music, Thaddeus is also a big fan of M/M content - so y'all can thank him for this here teaser!

Those who chose Sam as their 💘Primary Love Interest💘 will doubtless recognise the scene - but not the expression on MC's face or his hand positioning. Those who asked Fatima about 'that hug' in the last update will have a pretty good idea of what's cumming next 😂 

Wait... did I spell that last bit right? 👻



Ryan Fox

Indeed Cyberpunk is expected to be a competition killer, it better not disappoint. And 😂 no not the only gift, I truly have a very large stocking. But I am delighted that the update will be out forthwith

Tyrell Cartwright

I have never been more excited for a game update....ever! :D


After all the hype and delays, it’ll be tough to meet the expectations [though I’m not getting it, or I’ll probably end up doing no work for the next 3 months 😂]

Ryan Fox

That's fair, know thyself they say. Though regarding the update, while I'm glad Sam will be out soon and his ever loyal fanbase will be elated, personally I suppose I'll be looking forward to ringing in the New Year with Cole and his update 😉 Hopefully 2021 will be a slightly better year than 2020 turned out to be; with any luck the sky and storm deities will give us a lot of rain out here in CA soon, like very soon, so we don't return to drought conditions (wildfire season looms) 😳 Also still waiting on VtM Bloodlines 2 Paradox!!! No I don't give up easily!


Reading back through a thread a mere 3 months later. All I can say is 'Big Oof!' This Space Corp update was far more compelling than CP77 and while far from finished, it WAY more complete than CP77 was when it released. lol..