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Lol - I teased a big choice you'll be making this a while back. Since there've been a few correct guesses about it, I reckoned I'd better do a spoiler post.

As the game stands, MC has quite the crush on Anna. Now, for some of you, that's all fine and dandy - but for those of you interested in another character, v0.3.3 will let you pick your  πŸ’˜ Primary Love Interest πŸ’˜ - i.e. the character MC moons over and makes the most effort with.

For now, this only extends to the Ganymedian Cadets and Cis [In the future there may be more options added]. I suggest you try as many of the available options as interest you - they all have their own starting sequence πŸ˜‚ 




Can I go full man whore and select all of them as primary love interests? EDIT: Never mind. I managed to read the fine print


"There can be only One" πŸ˜‚ But that won't stop you pursuing the others πŸ˜‰

Joshua Vasquez

Would you be sending walkthroughs of how to achieve whichever primary romance you want cuz I know we'll have trouble getting Cole to date us, the other four are more easier.


Not initially (it's going to involve a lot of small conversational choices). I'm going to try and make it intuitive - for the other 4, expressions and the relationship points that appear will be an easy guide as you go. The problem with Cole is that sometimes you'll have to go back to go forwards, and the 'right' choice may see your points go down. This is especially true if you're planning to dominate him. This update will be easy - you'll be given a straight up choice and just have to ignore the negative reaction you initially get!