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And onto the surprise victor of the ServiCorps Poll - with 90 of 242 votes cast... Dave! ๐Ÿคช Haha - I quickly realised that, as Dave's votes piled up, I had to be rather careful not to give some major plot twists and reveals away... so have a Equalitist Manifesto instead! ๐Ÿ˜‚ As you know, SpaceCorps has a political angle that lets you decide your worldview through the Ethical Stats Obedience, Faith and Tribalism. Equalitism lies towards the disobedient, anti-tribal end of the spectrum - at the opposite end to Terran Supremacism. So... wanna be a SpaceCommie? ๐Ÿ˜‚



Sentimental Penguin

Yes, I do want Fully Automated Luxury Gay Space Communism. Lead on, Comrade Dave! :P

Ryan Fox

Oh Hell to the no! Terran Supremacy Forever!!!! ๐Ÿ˜‰ It worked for Palpatine...until it didn't.


Yes, yes, Equalitism in fashion of late Victorian England, I see :-)))


Lol - with a bit of Tom Paine and MLK thrown in for good measure ๐Ÿ˜‚

Ryan Fox

Indeed, those Ewoks...ferocious little buggers! Who knew the Emperor's Finest could be taken down with twigs and pebbles fired from slings? I'll tell you who should have known, the fool who said, "hey, Endor is a great place to build our secret base! It's also a prime candidate for gentrification, think of it like Dromund Kass before Kaas City, and we...erm...you...Your Imperial Majesty could be on the ground floor for some serious real estate developments! Oh don't worry about the local wildlife, they're little more than plushy teddy-bears, nothing to worry about."


Heck yeah Dave needed this.

Tim Bohnsack

Do you know when the all patrons release is? The wait has been killing me after last chapter lol


Sorry for blue-balling you, Sarge! ๐Ÿ”ฎ I think probably on Wednesday... I usually do it a day before public release.

Tim Bohnsack

Thanks! It just felt like it had been longer than it was from the $15 tear release so I was curious. But after MC exploration into the male pleasures I have been looking forward to more :)