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Right - so good news, less good news, good news, amazing news! It's a good news sandwich! 🥪 With amazing topping!

v0.2.9 News:

I can confirm that v0.2.9 will be released next week... and I reckon it's pretty darn good! However, I have had to make a whole bunch of changes to the plan...

First up, is that I've divided the update into 2 to make sure that that it lands in your laps this month... meaning that you'll be seeing 0.2.9a next week and 0.2.9b in February. Basically, I was massively overambitious with the plans - trying to do a very large 8 scene update while also putting out the revamped tech update was 🤪crazy. You'd think I'd have learned by now 😂 

But rest assured - 0.2.9a is more than meaty enough to get your teeth into... with significant plot development, fantasies, and both m/m and f/m scenes. It will also include a fully animated sequence featuring one of your poll-favourites 😉. To give you an idea of how epic the animation is, I've just rendered the 1934th frame and I'm only halfway through 😲 Lucky I've finished all the other artwork!

Additional Patron Content News:

And there's more! 😁 (this is the topping bit 😉) I realised that splitting the update gave me a chance to try something out that may be really helpful in the future... both for letting you choose the size of the updates you play and reducing your download requirements. Since there's no way I can fit the 3rd Cellmate (Rydick) into 0.2.9a, I've decided to release him as a separate Patron-only patch at the start of February.

And thus, the Chronicles of Rydick was born... (you can see a pic of him above). This will be like one of the minigames - patron-only, 150ish pics - but integrated into the SpaceCorps storyline. It also means that you'll only have to download those pics and scripts rather than re-download the whole game... and just extract them straight into your existing game folder!

If people like the Patch method, it will be an amazing way of delivering 'Training Mission' updates during the stat-building phase of the game... although this will probably only be realistic for Patron rather than Public releases.


Right - enough over-excited burbling! 😂 Headline news is that Early Release 0.2.9a will be out next week; Chronicles of Rydick Patron-Only Patch at the start of February; Early Release 0.2.9b at the end of February. 

And that I may need to reduce my caffeine intake 😂

🖖🏻 RanliLabz



Sentimental Penguin

This is the part where we all mutter "Choke me daddy" right? (Also have you made the change to let us know if an animation is ongoing or it's looping?)


XD Hopefully! Plus, the animation is non-looping, non-repeating... it’s just really, *really* long ;P (we’ll see where it lands, but prob over 2 mins)


Do future updates then still take into account if you choose Rydick? Or is it completely irrelevant which cellmate you choose? xD


They're all background characters, so it's only relevant to that character's storyline and the different kinks you gain for each. You won't necessarily lose the others or their associated kinks, but they won't be enabled 😀