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New thing! It's a new thing! 😀 

So - I've been thinking about a way of giving out teasers without revealing too much whilst still actually... um... teasing! While I'll carry on doing my normal thing of giving out a few teaser pics and progress updates that don't give much away, I also thought I'd start up a new feature for those who want to be spoiled 😂 (well, Sergeants+, anyway!) If you don't... stop reading! 🚨spoiler alert ahead! 🚨

I'm going to start off with a Character Line-Up for v0.2.9 - featuring 5 of the 6 characters you'll be rubbing up against in the next instalment. As you can see, we've got a few old familiars; one who's been teased since the first update; and a newbie! Sam - who you all know and love - got his own post on Xmas Eve 😉 

Behind them, you can also see a brand new location - and since every path in the last update saw you get arrested, it won't be much of a surprise to learn that you're heading for The Brig 😲 

Now - I'm not ready for a proper progress update yet, but I can tell you that v0.2.9 is coming along very nicely (with over 200 renders already!) I'm going to have to take a call next month whether to split it into two (it's already growing out of hand! 😂) but I'll keep you informed as I go 😜

Let me know what you think, and hope you've all had a great Xmas! 🎅🏻




I am not sure what we were asked exactly for, but the picture is great, the lady in the left, sorry, right side, very interesting and therefore if these will be the spoilers, I agree with everything 😁. -- If there is always warning before the picture, all the better: everyone can decide for themselves if to play the hero (and wait until the update is published) or not and have just one innocent look... 😜 Thank you!

Ryan Fox

I think it's a good feature. Just make sure to keep that Spoiler's for Sergeants alert/warning. For me, what you showed there wasn't actually all that spoilery, in fact, one could say my interest was rather piqued. Just who IS that smartly dressed damsel on the right? Not to mention that slab of USDA Prime just to her left. As you say Luke and the two aliens have been teased for a while, so finding out they are featured in the update is kind of a bit more, well alright then, let's take them out for a spin shall we 😉


Excellent! :) Can’t believe I didn’t think of a spoiler warning banner before (duh!) Glad the newbie’s piqued your interest ;P


Hehe - can’t tell you about the new lady for plot reasons, but I’ve already talked about the big feller a while back (he’s called Rydick and appears in one of the game over screens ;P) Glad you like the feature!


Please lock me in a cell with the guy second from right. I feel in need of some "correction" only he can provide. 😍👌


Don't let big un's name be Vin. Too obvious.


Dunno if you take requests, but would love to see a size queen kink.


I do take requests! 😜 I need to do a future kink patron poll, I reckon... size queen will be one of the options, and any other suggestions are welcome.