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The results of the Alien Poll are in! πŸš€ As with most of the polls, I'll leave this open - there's going to be a Grand Poll of poll winners next year, so it's still worth voting!

This time round there are two runners up - the all-male clonerace of the Grokbok tying neck and neck with the Felinoid Khumon on 77/419. The Khumons will be pouncing onto your screens tomorrow (followed by the winner on the 30th) - but for now, Grokbok have the centre-stage!

The Grokbok are a GM Lesser Race - created by SpaceCorps scientists to fulfil the least demanding jobs in ServiCorps. They've been built for strength, rather than intelligence; servility, rather than initiative; and group-think, rather than individualism - and generally serve wherever something heavy needs carrying, or wherever there's a clean-up in Aisle 4.

Originally, SpaceCorps created a male and a female version of the Grokbok - but were alarmed to find that their offspring began to reject the gene-coded role they'd been assigned... eventually rising up in the Third Servile Revolt. After SpeceCorps crushed the Grokbok rebels, the female model was discontinued, and the males were re-coded to become exclusively homosexual.

Nonetheless, there are rumours that some of the Grokbok rebels survived the genocide - and are plotting their revenge from remote asteroid hideouts on the Cervaxian Border...



Ryan Fox

Oooo the plot thickens


Yes, as I have already written somewhere, there is a big chance SpaceCorps will outdo StarWars in everything, even the number of episodes. Hope, I will be still healthy enough to be able to read it without heart-attack 😁


Hehe - so many sub-plot and stories to come! 😁