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Dev Diary 6


News from the Front remains excellent – we’re at our highest crew compliment ever, and the general population is supportive of our work. Our most recent offensive was well-received, garnering a number of likes on social media and boosting recruitment of the brave crew that make SpaceCorps what it is. Better yet, progress towards the ultimate goal of reaching Phase 2 is steady, and preliminary estimates see us achieving victory by March or April of next year. More details on that to follow next month.

Filed by High Commander RanliLabz, HotU (1st Class), from the Cervaxian Front

For the Union!

Enough of that sort of thing, RanliLabz! 😂 

So, I’ve been thinking that I might switch things up to shorter, more regular updates where possible – more like the monthlies at the start of the game. The trigger for that was realising that the last update could absolutely have been split in two – one for the Virtualworld scene and another for the ServiCorps scene – both of which were full ‘levels’ with the different sex-scene endings.

My thinking goes that this would mean less time between updates for players who want more regular episodes, while those who prefer bigger chunks can choose to delay or not… There are plot progressions over the next three updates, so each works well as a contained piece (I think 🤪). It also means that any bugs found between updates are out there for less time, Lieutenants+ get their names up on the Credits faster, and I get more eyes on the game through updates on the various forums. 🤑

In tandem with the game, I’ve also been doing a bit of preliminary work on the Phase 1 Wrap and Phase 2 – mainly graphics rather than programming. I’ve already talked about the Integrated Walkthough (progressing, but slowly); but over the next couple of months I’ll be sharing a few titbits and teasers with you – including some polls on the new user interfaces for Sergeant’s+.

And talking of Polls (awesome segue! 🤩), you’ll be getting the chance to vote on your Favourite Alien Species at the weekend, with the next 👽Xenobiology101 lecture following shortly after. So stay tuned!

😘 RanliLabz



Ryan Fox

Don’t know about cow women...wolf men maybe? No the regular shorter updates sounds like a good idea to keep recruitment up I think. Yay!


The one downside I can see is that current updates, or at least the last two from what I can see, as I''m new here have tended to include something for everyone, like some m/m content for people like myself. With shorter updates, per scene, this would no longer be the case. Not so much a problem per se of course, and if the author thinks it will boost the game and keep better pace with the notoriously short and fickle attention span of social media. Personally I liked the big, meaty updates, but whatever works best for the game development works best.


The louder Umbreeyoree talks about cow women, the more I can't suppress the suspicion he actually means minotaurs .-) But OK, cow-women and minotaurs go well along. I would personally vote for some mermaids and mermen supporting thus some nice sea sceneries. And yes, they can be blue if you want them more sci-fi :-)


Haw, Hee-Haw (Inner voice: That's not what cows sound like.) Haw Haw (Inner voice: Do you even know what a cow is?) HEE-HAAAW!