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It's the Name Contest time again - and for new Captains and Majors, that's where the senior crew gets to weigh in with their ideas to name an important secondary character! ๐ŸŽˆ

Meet the USS Mercury's resident SecuriCorps Constable. ๐Ÿ‘ฎ๐Ÿปโ€โ™‚๏ธ You'll have encountered this fellow before - in MC's fevered imaginings of gangbangs and sph, and the Know Your Alien leaflet from his childhood. So imagine the poor lad's shock when he realises this grumpy Volchak sex-pot is a flesh and blood officer aboard his Recruitment Centre ๐Ÿฅด (Repeat after me: There is no 8th Branch!)

However, the alien hunk needs a name - and that's where you guys come in! First up - no, there aren't four of him! That's just for the character sheet (and to let you know how hard it is to fit a foot-long Volchak cock into pants!) Second up: He's utterly humourless... think Lt Worf from StarTrek, but a lot more bisexual! Third up: โ€ฆ I don't have a third up ๐Ÿ˜‚ But please contribute any character and personality notes along your suggested names!

Wait! I do have a third up! lol - his Constable rank is equivalent to Ensign - below the Sergeant, above the Cadets - equal to Cis. He is the first Volchak to reach this rank in SpaceCorpsโ€ฆ and might be a little chippy about the while thing. (Well - you would be too, right? The Interstellar Union is sooo racist!)

Anyway, babbling aside - just write your entries in the comments below - and make sure to upvote any entries that you like the look of! โค

PS: also tell me what you think of the new 'Shower-Block' scene. You've kind of seen it before (in the $2000 Goal Celebration post) but I've made some big alterations! Since it's going to be such a big part of the action in Phase 2 (MC really likes to keep clean! ๐Ÿ˜‰) I'd like to know your thoughts.




If we're staying on track with the puns how about /Thikaan Vaskalar\ (Thick and vascular)?


Wow! Name explosion! ๐Ÿคฏ All absolutely amazing... whoever gets upvoted as top name, every single one of these is going in ๐Ÿ˜Š We've already got a whole Volchak tray'aan* here! Keep 'em coming, and remember to upvote your favs! * the basic Volchak social unit, consisting of 4-7 males and 1-2 females. ๐Ÿš‚ choo-choo!