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Howdy Crew! I've been working on some ideas for an in-game Walkthrough for v0.2, which would be accessible from  an icon on the game screen. The design's been tricky because of the sheer amount of possible choices - I quickly found that a normal text-based walkthrough would be bafflingly complex, and a static flowchart is like one of those head-scratching navigate-the-maze games.

Instead, I've turned to the notoriously sexy world of engineering for an animated systems map!

  • Attachment 1 shows the screen before any actions have been performed.
  • Attachment 2 shows how each choice you make lights up, helping you keep track of where you are (I've highlighted the full route of the optimal path to Medbay 01 Ending 1 for reference).
  • Attachment 3 shows the key to the symbols and colours (pops up when you hover over the KEY button at the bottom of the page.

Obviously, getting this up and running is a fair bit of work... so I'd really appreciate some feedback (e.g. Is it necessary? Does it make sense to you? Do you like the graphics?) Alternatively, just like the post to let me know you want it!

And don't worry, I haven't just been working on in-game mechanics! I've almost finished the latest batch of renders for next the Patron-only mini-update - so a bunch of hardcore porn should be heading your way soon!

For the Glory of the Union!




Alan Song

I like this animated choice map, it reminds me the selection route chart in Detroit Become Human. I can see it will be very helpful for replays and contents collecting. can't wait for future updates.


Thanks Alan! I hate using WTs for a first play, but getting 100% completion on replays needs one... (flashback to catching every bloody pigeon in GTA 4!)