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My LEGO-SpaceCorps collaboration with 🧱Xenomurphy continues, and he's built up quite a large collection of minifigures already! πŸ€“ This is Drex - complete with dudebro flirt-smirk and 80's power hair [I absolutely love how well Xenomurphy captures my characters!] 😍

Stay tuned for more character previews - the next one up will be Sarge πŸ˜‹

Expectation Management Note: I've seen a little online discussion that anticipates the LEGO scenario is imminent. It is not πŸ˜… Xeno's got to make dozens of characters and sets from scratch - and render about 300 complex images - and this all takes time! He's made amazing progress, though, and I'm hoping for a late-summer release πŸ€— Naturally, you'll be seeing monthly SpaceCorps updates until then πŸ˜€




drex is dreamy and babygirl even as a lego


He was fun to design in LEGO, especially his beard. I have lovingly painted every single stubble by hand πŸ˜‚