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As I mentioned last week, we are working on the caves (more floors and monsters there), and planning on a monster capture system, that will happen through this one character:

Vis’Zera or Viz for short, she is a goblin hunter, and trough a small quest she will enter the service of the protagonist as a… bunch of things. Like a shopkeeper, a dueling partner, and the charter that will eventually make the capture system happen, as she will be the “tool” used for it.

Viz will is a monster race, and a hunter by profession, and she is really smart but has a lot of difficulty speaking in the human tongue. She is also a massive lover for the chivalry of old, and after the protagonist saves her, she will swear fealty for him and will begin to live in the barn, defending the farm from any dangers.

She ended up very different from the original plan of an arrogant, proud goblin queen, which was very nice and all but overlapped heavily with Illyana, so she got rewritten to be your goblin pal’, and although she is not a main girl, she will have more content than the average NPC, being the only non-main character to get a quest for herself (for now), that will be unlocked by reaching a certain level. She will also be fuckable right away, with 2 scenes already done, and more planned when we start making the capture system.

Overall, Viz will be a useful, cute and lovable NPC, that wears far too little clothing for us to put her image here on the preview patreon. So here is a link to it: 




Can't wait to hear more about the capture system and the goblin waifu


Could we get a female centaur as one of the captureable races?