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When we finished making a single quest for each girl, we decided that we might, maybe, possibly have quite a few undercooked mechanics, like cooking, farming, combat, and the caves…

So, the caves, right?

At first, the caves were only there for grinding levels, then we added a few fuckable monsters there, and it stayed like that for a while as the focus shifted (completely) for the quests, but now we finished the first quest for each of the main girls.

By next patch, we will add another monster on the caves, the good generic tribal ol’goblin girl. And we are planning a few more monsters(Nagas, anyone?). But the thing is, what can be done to these monsters? Just fuck them?... What if they could be brought back to the farm, named, raised and loved?

Then, I have a plan to create a “Monster Capture System”, where the player can… capture monsters. We just started working on it, so it might take a while for it to go out, and we still don't have what specifically will be included on it, but we are preparing the groundwork for it, and you can expect more news on the matter soon.

That’s about it for now, caves. (But I am also working on Illyana 2nd quest, more info on that soon)


Kill me

Any chance we'll see any of the girls exploring the caves?


Maybe? It's not currently planned, but things change, right?


Really excited to see this feature as it was something I thought would make a great addition when I first tried the game. Viz looks awesome.