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Still not done with this one. Not really because I didn't want to finish it, but I just haven't had the time to do so. Kiria's quest has my total and complete attention, especially now that it is almost done. (Currently adding party member Kiria and her schedule)

But yeah. Still can't believe I'm actually drawing Morgan and considering adding her to the game. (As a ghost, most likely, or way less likely, through some Peach magical body recovering shenanigans), because I AM, really, REALLY, thinking about adding a tower basement area just so I can flesh out a bit more on Peach's experiments and have an excuse to give Peach an actual schedule rather than having her stay at the same place every day. But that might finally break the morally grey area Peach is at and make her a bit more evil-leaning than she needs to be… I'll give it some more thought.

And yes. I know I don't need Morgan's art to add a basement. But I wouldn't put it past Peach to at least try and recover her mom's body... so maybe?



Guilherme Andrade

Hi, one question, I'm on the boom-bum part 1 mission, I found 4 panties, but where do I find the others?


I have no idea which one you're missing, so here's how to find them all. Lamir's Pantie: Wardrobe at the bathhouse. Clarine's Pantie: Wardrobe at her house by the beach. Lene's Pantie: Wardrobe at her house. Lene's place is the house to the right of the player's home. Illyana's Pantie: Interact with the boxes on the left side of her house. There is also a small interaction by messing with her wardrobe, but it is optional. Elinnie's Pantie: Interact with her wardrobe. Maribel's Pantie: It is inside a small bag in the clinic, second floor. There is a small interaction with her wardrobe, but it is also optional. None of it will work if anyone is at home when you try to swipe them.


SPOILER AHEAD I think Morgan is a really interesting character. She's, with Kiria, the primary trigger for the whole Cave/Goddess Questline and also the root of many character traits and personnalities, either for following in her footsteps like Peach or a deep hatred for her for the rest of the sisters.  The thing is, I don't really see her making a comeback.  Peach, with the Protagonist's help, has already succeeded in breaking the Godess's curse. Her wish has already been granted; why would she stay in the living realm if there is nothing to keep her here? I'm not sure about that, but was Morgan the blob-like monster we fought in Lene's third quest? Is magical recovering about making her blob form human again, or is it straight-up necromancy? You could still put her in the game through flashbacks / a magical orb showing scenes from the past. I don't know how much Peach and her sisters have known their mother. Peach is already a pretty isolated character; wouldn't the introduction of Morgan isolate her even more? Would Morgan change since her goal has already been achieved if she were to come back? Is the introduction of Peach's schedule a way for her to get in contact with the rest of the cast, even though Lene lives in Pursolis?  Peach is simply an extremely curious character with no notions of good or evil. She'll do obviously evil act nonchalantly as long as it either sate her curiosity for some time, further her goals, or simply get rid of an annoyance. The only limits she has are the ones the protagonist gave her, since she's deeply in love(obsessed) with him. The basement is a great idea and could develop in Peach getting engrossed in her research, getting gradually more evil and even corrupting the MC, OR the MC being able to convince her to use her research for the people or stop altogether. For now, we don't have a final act for Peach as a love interest, except for MC ending up as Peach's bride. The basement could be a gateway to her character development and a way to progress her story toward an end. Thank you for reading my wall of text.


Aw man, so many questions! Yes! Morgan's introduction into the game would undermine Peach's whole character and give Lene a reason to return to the warpath. I don't really plan on having her as a permanent character nor have her judge what was done or not, but as an ending to all the experiments stories, be it Peach, Lene, Nihil, #62, and the generics. You could say it would be one last moment for mommy to be proud of her girls before peacing out, but that might not be correct, as she was shown seeing her daughters as nothing more than a means to an end. I'm not going into TOO many details, as the basement is still in early planning. and yea, she is the blob. don't tell anyone. About Peach, she is indeed incredibly isolated. As of this writing, she has no friends other than the player and... Kiria, I guess. That's not really a problem, though. Peach only needs her hero to be happy, and everyone else is either a moron, a bother, or a love rival; I just think it is a bit sad she stands at the same spot all day with the same dialogue. Peach is such an important character, and the pet beaver has a larger schedule than her! I'm really thankful for the feedback, and I hope I answered well enough. If there's something I ended up not giving a real answer, just let me know.