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Ten characters were randomly selected from this month's retro-themed nomination pool, and now it's time for you to vote on them!

The winner will be animated for this month's "retro" theme. Poll ends in six days. Good luck to all the contestants!

Reference images: 

Nami (One Piece)

Elly (Xenogears) 

Fujiko (Lupin III) 

Jam Kuradoberi (Guilty Gear) 

Botan (Yu Yu Hakusho) 

Sony Walkman-chan (rtil OC) 

Shampoo (Ranma 1/2) 

Lynn Minmei (Robotech) 

Irene "Rally" Vincent (Gunsmith Cats) 

Faye Valentine (Cowboy Bebop) 


No Step On Snek

Oh damn, I'd love for some rally vincent