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Hello hello! <3

As the year is coming to an end, so is my work with my current commissions. That opens up many exciting possibilities for 2022, and I'm happy to share what I have in mind!

The Retiree:

First, I should get some unfortunate news out of the way - the request stream reward is being retired, as I was recently informed that any games of chance are against Patreon ToS, even hosted off of the website. My sincerest apologies for this. At the very least, we had two very fun years of it ^^  

Honestly, while we had plenty of amazing regulars (shout out to you guys, you know who you are!!! ♥ ), I noticed that only a small percent of all folks would drop by, so this actually provides quite a bit of comfort to me, because --

I have been pondering what I could do to replace this reward, but even with the help of the discord chat, I couldn't find anything that would be an appropriate equal exchange of time and value. There were a few ideas we tossed around and had some great potential, but after considering it for some time, I think giving all my extra time to the next announcement might just be the best choice after all, so without further adieu...

The New News:

...In 2022, I'll be introducing long-form TF comics as a reward! :D :D

My ideal vision is slow burn comics filled to the brim with TF content. I'm a sucker for the parts where things are *changing*, as I'm sure most of you are as well, so I really want to hone in on that and make stories with satisfying setup, for that delicious payoff. Ideally, I'm thinking in the ballpark of 30 pages. How exciting! 

Thanks to real life, this was never an option before now, because I had to keep at commissions just to keep my head above water hahah. But now, thanks to your amazing contributions, I finally have the financial breathing room to sit down and really pour my heart and time into something bigger. Over and over again. I can't wait to show you all what I can do. 

It will be available for $5+ tiers, and I hope to achieve several new pages each month. (But please don't increase your pledge pre-emptively! It'll still be some time in the making, I want to have a backlog ready for weeks where I am busy!)

I've always felt the $5 tier was a bit of an odd duckling, while max res images and PSDs are great, I always felt like it needed something else...
So, perhaps, this will be the fit that it has been calling for. ^^

The Interim:

Between now and then, there will be a few months of life as usual. Once my current commissions are done, I'll be opening up a few YCHs for ideas that have really been begging to be let out, and also do another Make-A-Chimera series, wooooo! Behind the scenes, I'll be starting on my first comic... Once I have a good backlog ready, I'll announce it to you all, and then the fun will get started!

Oh, and, I also want to update my tier images at some point. Something a little more on-brand huhu. <3

In Conclusion:


I aspire to give it my all - your support, being able to draw TF full time, it really means the world to me. Nothing is set in stone without hearing your input first, so --

Questions, concerns, complaints, random musings... I'm here for it all!




excited for the future! keep being awesome!


Great choice for the request stream replacement!


Super excited to seeing your next phase!


Really great replacement question will the comics be random thought up characters or will it be patreons OCs and such


Long form comics sounds like a fantastic replacement for the streams, I can't wait to see them! (Eventually, lol)


I'm excited for those long form comics! Your work is incredible and I'm so glad to be subbed here!


I'm definitely interested in the long form transformations! Will there be a tier for patrons to participate in the comic itself (as a cameo or protagonist?)


So glad to hear that you're excited!! :D I don't think there'd be a protag possibility, but for cameo, hmm... I'll have to keep that in the back of my mind! Once I have a few comic ideas solidified, I'll see if there's any way to fit that in naturally. Depends on if there's crowd or public scenes, I guess? ^^ Because I wouldn't want to have that tier open and the comic be like... set in the forest. xD So we shall see! Thanks for the idea!!

Joseph Connelly

I was first introduced to your art through a short TF comic, and I can't wait to see what you can do with a long form comic.

Mr Tan

Is it possible to view TF Study Journal as a $2 or $5 patreon? Really like if patreons get to choose one selected study journal to view as a patreon (regardless of amount pledged)