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wanted to say sorry for the big lack of art this month and sorry again because
im going to be taking about a week off from drawing
i have a lot going on in life right now and have been so terribly anxious lately i can barely eat let alone sit down and work on some art

with that being said im gonna have to do 1 poll this month instead of 2 im sorry to the patrons who just got here for the lack of value youre getting this month,
and if anybody wants a refund feel free to dm me on patreon ill get it to you asap
next week ill really try my best to get some more art done and even in December ill come harder with a better mindset.



It’s all good man, take all the time you need, we all care more about the cat behind the art than the art itself. Take it easy man.


No worries man, you gotta focus on your own health and life. Stay safe and enjoy your break


Get well soon my friend!


Hey man, IRL comes first, 100%. Whilst we love your content, we also know there's a cool dude behind the screen makin' it. We're all human and stuff happens. I can safely say I support you every step of the way, King, and I'm fairly certain I'm not alone. Sincerely hope you feel better after the hiatus, someone like you doesn't deserve to be bogged down by any negativity. Here's hoping it passes quick so you can be a happy cat once more. You keep on keepin' on and do whatever you have to do in order to cope. 💙

Katt Moons

Positive Mental Attitude We got your back Jinu and we support ya. You take the brake you need and we'll be here when you're ready to draw again.


You come first bro, not us. Do what u gotta do in order to come back refreshed and happy. We here for you and we know how much you work bro ☺️☺️ Keep it up and take it ez


it's all good my dude, take as much time as you need. hope this don't sound weird but...I'll be praying for ya & for things to get better


We understand, King. No ones gonna be mad at you for taking care of yourself. I know what ur going through, and just know everything will be okay. If you ever need anything, I'm right here ❤


Take your time


Take care G! Just know that we’ll always be here to support you :) take all the time you need! ❤️❤️


Take all the time you need. I'll still be here when you get back. ❤️

The Dank Demon

Take your time and take care man. We'll be right here for ya~! :) Bless. You've earned some time off after so many amazing coms