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I wish I could have added a ton of audio tracks on a single post, but Patreon doesn't have that option.  So, I had to post all the auditions below for you to listen to.  Please select the best ones you like thus far.  I've gotten over 70 auditions in the past two days after posting it, and these were the best thus far.

Let me know what you think!  Plus, I can have the one with both males and females do different roles if I want.  So, I can have the woman do the main narration and the men only do the male parts, such as with Howie, Ron, and her dad.

01 - Mari Bee (Updated)

02 - C.J. McAllister

03 - Alice Dodd

04 - Anthony Ray Morales

05 - Erika Calvert (Updated)

06 - Kira Omans (Updated)

07 - Warren Brownley

08 - Rylee Kuberra

09 - Katie Hagaman

10 - Melissa Connell

11 - Kelly McGaw

Master Index


Valora Brooke

So, 8 sounds better for Sora. Younger and bubblier, is Diz and my take on it. 1 is great for having both male and female, and it's hard to gauge knowing what 8 would do for a male voice. I wouldn't get the male to narrate outside Jarrath's chapter, though. 3 Was a good voice, but too old to represent Sora. I really think 4 would do a good job for Rosen Monarch, but feel a female is better for ATM.

Martynas Samsonas

Personally hard to pick between between 1st and 8th. First feels like it would be overall better, but 8th also feels good at least for the example.