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1. Elinor (Our Undead Empress!)

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Having been guided through the process of how to activate the ritual telephone, Elinor could feel things shifting in her favor as five clans prepared to hear her proposal.  She motioned for the Chiefs and Elder Chiefs to sit, licking her lips as she walked around the effigy, waiting for Chief Kalix of the Delthax and Valdar to join—the final pieces to make contact in this historic meeting.

Slowly, she’d sharpened her fangs, filing her claws to poke and prod at the problems facing each clan over the last two months.  She’d shown herself useful and resourceful.  She wasn’t a threat; she was a friend.  It was hard to present herself in a positive light when one raised the dead, but she’d maneuvered the traps and pitfalls to reach this moment.

The clans weren’t dumb enough not to see her as a dangerous threat, and she knew that very well.  So, she’d bided her time, waiting to redirect their eyes to a new enemy.

Elinor caught Chief Zargoth’s gaze, and a chill ran up her spine, her mouth curling as everything fell into place.  She’d been dealt a terrible hand, but that didn’t matter; all one had to do was look for opportunities and not be frightened to take risks when the narrow cliff paths opened up to walk.

With the hounds gathering at the borders and paranoia seeping into their minds, now was the time to enter the stage as the wolf rather than the sheep with fangs.

* — * — *

Elinor clasped her wrist behind her back as Tiffany signaled that Chief Yimara had entered the tent, and the soft pattering of rain came from the glowing wooden wolf head as the Delthax entered the chat, Chief Kalix’s suspicious voice resonating around the silent hut.

“How am I to know your Mysticism is not a trickery of some kind?  How am I to know that I am speaking to Chief Utren and Loci?”

A short chuckle came from the Flex Chief as he leaned forward on the silk pad they sat on, showing a vicious smirk.  “I saw my father stab your father through the gut and infect him with the Blood Plague…  You managed to graze his neck with a poisoned barb, but he survived.  I can’t say the same about your father.  I hear he was one of the few that didn’t scream in his last moments, however.  Noteworthy.”

“Loci…”  Kalix snarled.  “And he may have survived that battle, but a vine from my grandfather choked the life out of him in the next.  I wonder if he would have screamed if he could…”

Elinor forced a laugh as scowls passed between the Lethix and Flex in the room.  “Chiefs, Chiefs… let’s talk politics and not grudges in this historic gathering.  Yes, there are many complications and bitter feelings between all of your clans, be it the Wixum and Delthax or Lethix and Flex.  I believe there are more important matters to address than petty past squabbles.”

“Is petty the proper word, Empress?”  Elder Chief Gurali of the Flex asked, his gravelly tone rumbling with displeasure.

Zargoth pounded his fist against the floorboards.  “Let her pop, Elder Chief.  In the face of extinction, it is petty to put grudges over our clansmen.  Do you disagree?”

Valdar’s smooth voice came from the effigy, causing all present to focus on the open wooden mouth of the wolf.  “I agree with Chief Zargoth.  I presume Elder Chief Dren is present?”

“I am, High Mystic of the Delthax,” he said in his aged tone, playing up his elder status from what Elinor had seen from the ri’bot; he could probably step to Krava as an old Xaria himself.

“Hmm.  And how is Xaria Ectria?”

The elder glanced to the corner of the room, where Ectria was, gagged and extremely bound, with Inoa looming over her.  “We have been as… hospitable as can be expected for a rather hotblooded 2nd Rank Xaria.”

Elinor motioned to her.  “Why not proof of treatment as a show of good faith, Chief Utren?  Allow Ectria to proclaim how her stay at the Lethix has been and my actions thus far.  I am not frightened to allow her to speak candidly.”

Her words caused a stir, and Kalix’s gruff tone followed.  “I will listen if Ectria is given the freedom to give me her report.”

“Excellent!”  Elinor chimed, glancing between the Lethix and Flex.

Inoa made a scowling gesture that said she didn’t trust Ectria to give an honest report, but Utren lifted his hand and gave the order to ungag her.  Elinor stood off to the side as the ri’bot elite warrior was somewhat roughly handled by the young Lethix Xaria, which only seemed to amuse the older woman.

In the report, Ectria made quite a few jabs at Inoa, which more or less was the largest contributor to proving it was the mouthy Xaria.  Elinor grew more and more interested in the bitter feelings Inoa had for Ectria, constantly harping on her looks, be it her teeth, skin splotches, or scars.  It was low-hanging fruit for the 2nd Rank Xaria; Elinor was sure she’d heard it all.

Perhaps a more amusing point came from the winces her fellow Xaria from the Flex and Lethix gave her; apparently, their ‘rivalry’ was kind of cringy even for their own warring culture.

It made sense for the men to be more uncomfortable about insulting women considering how treasured they were among the two female-deprived clans.  It also gave her more of a light to shed on the issue moving forward.  Beauty was probably a big point of gossip and contention amongst the elevated females in the Flex and Lethix that affected Inoa.

Women were vicious in human culture, and she’d heard some stories from Yeppa on their trip to the sanctuary that painted a fairly brutal emotional war waged between the isolated Lethix women.  Not allowed to go out far due to their rarity, they were treated as delicate princesses, and they had to release their stress in other ways.  On the other hand, Inoa was able to roam free, and that made her a prime target for the others to isolate the nonconforming Xaria.

The more Elinor learned, the more threads she saw she could pick at, and surprisingly, Ectria gave a rather glowing recount regarding her father.  Her dad had spent time with the two Xaria, talking with and mediating between them; apparently, his goal was for the two not to kill each other because Ectria could probably slip out and give the younger Xaria a run for her tongue, even when at a disadvantage and unarmed.

As her report came to a close, Elinor took the stage again.  “Can I pop now, as Chief Zargoth said, or is there anyone else who would like the floor?  It is my intent to bring your attention to a rather alarming development and future that is soon to descend upon you.”

Elinor stopped her slow walk around the effigy, eyes drifting to the glowing wolf’s eyes as a new, feminine voice entered the discussion; Chief Yimara’s typically timid tone held a bit more metal behind it.

“Empress, I do have something I have been meaning to ask you…  I have heard whispers and accusations amongst your own human population that make me… uneasy.”

She saw interest spark in the predators that surrounded her; the ri’bot in this hut were among the strongest in the valley, and one wrong move could turn them all against her.  And there was little she could do about the small minority of dissenting voices in the humans she’d gathered.  In a way, they held more sway than any of the ri’bot’s own community.  Even Chief Zargoth sat a little straighter at the topic.

Elinor caught her father’s passive face, worry passing through the Nexus, but she kept her voice even and unbothered.  “Oh?  What are these whisperings, rumors, and accusations that you have heard, Chief Yimara?”

“They say you killed Warlord Nebu and his loyalist soldiers at the mine…  They don’t trust you because you present yourself as a girl that is the equivalent of a seven-year-old ri’bot teenager, yet I could hardly see you as such.  Some of your people fear your Mysticism as… evil and unnatural—an abomination in the face of their god.”

Naturally, her greatest opponent in this trial spoke up; the Delthax Chief chuckled at the ammunition he’d been given.  “You have done well to study and listen to this Mystic’s people, Chief Yimara.  What do you say about these accusations of ridding yourself of opposition and building up your forces within the Wixum territory?”

A half-smirk tilted the corner of her mouth as Elinor’s chest shook with mirth.  “I will address this in my speech then…  Let’s go through the facts rather than rumors and fears of ghosts haunting the future.  Since I know you are all too terrified to reveal your own weaknesses to one another, I will start with myself—Empress Elinor.  Who am I?”

She saw the uncomfortable look on the leaders’ faces as she began, her tongue a sharp machete as she showed just how much of a wolf she was, painting an image of herself from the start of the conquest to where she stood before them in this gathering of clan leaders.

“When you first learned of me, Valdar, it was when the Komath ritualists disappeared.  The snow and ice came, and then you saw my rise as I marched forth, organizing the humans and destroying the Crystal Hubs to announce myself at the final one.  What did I do?  I called you out.”

Flashing her teeth, she saw the interest rising in the Flex and Lethix, who hadn’t heard the tale.  “I fought the Clavex High Priestess and showed my power while showcasing my immortality as the Chief of the Dead, surviving the coward, Chief Krava, and High Warrior Fennel’s attempt to slay me.  I put fear in your men, but I didn’t push that, nor show ill intent.  Instead, I gave you victory.  I saved your young men and women from more bloodshed when you were in desperate need of bodies.”

Gesturing at Zargoth, she brought attention to the sober chief.  “I then showed my wits to you by exposing Krava.  I showed my power by raising a quen’talrat Elite Hunter and Ethereal Scout.  I maneuvered between your clans and showed the worth of my knowledge and versatility.  I gave the Roxim the tools that allowed them to see the enemy across the river,  gathering for war, providing us with this unique opportunity, but let’s put that to the side for now,” she laughed, waving her hand dismissively.

“Perhaps my greatest achievement was showing you the betrayal and true colors of Chief Krava and the Komath.”

The Flex and Lethix leaned forward, vision narrowing.

Chief Utren’s nose creased.  “You still must prove to us that Krava has cursed the northern clans’ waters to weaken our Mysticism and population.”

“They did what?”  Valdar hissed.  “Empress, you must expand on this—I know my friend, and I cannot see Krava doing such a thing.”

Elinor held up her hand.  “In time…  I’m still building up to it.  I am showing you my achievements, and your waters are most definitely defiled; My Monarch of Witchery will explain that when it is time.  However, Valdar, you can confirm that Krava did betray your trust, and insult the Roxim in a most vile way…  He broke his word and brought an extra army and Xaria to this Crystal Gateway.  Why?”

She stopped beside Zargoth with a shake of her head.  “He said he didn’t trust the Roxim or Clavex to handle their own weight.  Once discovered, he retreated, yet in the same token sent his Xaria to assassinate us…  No clanless thug could have thrown that shot you blocked, Valdar… could they?”

“Hmmgm.  No.  It must have been a young Xaria… and Krava was the only one to have brought one.”

“Which means…”  Elinor trailed off, allowing him to pose his own answer to the others.

“Krava wanted you dead and to kill your Mystics…  I am still a little baffled as to why he would target Nicole.”

“Simple,” she answered.  “You are fascinated by Nicole’s phenomenal potential as a Plant Caller, and he knew she would taint your perception of me.  Was he wrong that I am dangerous?”

Elinor laughed at their tight-eyed stare.  “Obviously, I am!  I started with nothing in this world but Valdar’s ear, and from that, I have built myself up to be in this meeting with all of you in two months.  I have uncovered plots between clans and traitors, and given extensive skills and support to your people.  I am a threat to Krava because he is a threat to all of you and can’t have me on your side.”

Bringing one hand around as green flames lit down her fingers to her wrist, she twisted it around to stare at the flickering death energy.  “My accomplishments speak for themselves by orchestrating this very meeting between clans that have warred against each other with over a century of blood.”

A shiver passed over the Xaria and Chiefs at her low voice, flickering fire rising with her illuminated emerald eyes as she looked at each of them.

“I am here not to spark more bloodshed and death between you…  I am here to bring hope and life back to your dwindling and hopeless people…  I am here to bring death to those that seek to harm you, and raise them back up to serve your interests.”  Her fingers curled into a fist.  “I am here to bring unity and a way forward by solving your greatest problems.”

Letting the flames dwindle, her hands returned behind her back as she resumed her slow circle.  “The Xaltan are mobilizing, and the Roxim will fall.  Now, how does something all the way on the east side of the valley concern the western clans?”

She smiled at Chief Loci, his deep blue eyes meeting her green.  “What if the Delthax attacked from your west, Wixum from the north, and the Xaltan closed off your southeast—this vulnerable beachside area, Chief Utren?  Your clans are not prepared.

“And what about you, Chief Kalix?  Do you suppose the Xaltan will be content with only the eastern side?  I think not, and you know it.  How long can you last on your cliffs without the Wixum’s support when they inevitably fall?  You already are conscripting your youth into military service to keep up with your army’s high mortality rate.

“As for the Wixum, Chief Yimara,” she snickered, voice strengthening.  “You know your days were numbered with Nebu seizing more military control by the season.  Did I have him killed?  No, but I would have eventually when he sought to end your life as he admitted to my soldiers on his deathbed in the fight at the mines.  Has not my sister brought you proof of the clanless attack?”

“Yes… and your people have been very helpful in rebuilding our community.”

Yimara’s voice had returned to its timid state, making the Lethix and Flex frown at each other; they didn’t know how weak the Wixum was.  Kalix was likely stabbing the floor and imagining the young, inexperienced chief admitting her community was damaged during the storm.

“I don’t need to comment on how my citizens believe I should act as a sixteen-year-old human girl.  My actions speak for themselves, and your reality is practically set in stone if you continue down the path you’re traveling.

“Face it,” she grunted,” your future is only bright by working together, and I can facilitate far more than you can imagine.  Tiffany, present our findings in just the last two months.  I will leave King Edmon here to answer any questions you might have; he can communicate with me from a distance, so anything directed to me can go through him.  I feel like roaming the night.  Tiffany, you have the floor…”

Thanking her father, Elinor exited to clear her mind in the fresh river air and let them debate; insults and past grievances would no doubt be tossed around while Tiffany explained the ritualistic stone they’d found and guided them in the proper direction.  Valdar would be the hardest to convince on that front, but he likely didn’t have any other candidate to point to since the Susime had kept their existence well hidden.  It was a risk worth taking.

In the end, they had to rely on her, and she expected to have to do a little more pushing when she returned, but her father would let her know when they were softened up for her to take the final blow.  In the meantime, she prowled the night, moving to the walls to walk along the battlement and stare out across the wide riverway.

Her horsemen left the town and raced over the moving liquid to hunt for more Death Energy in the night.  After an hour of silent study, Valentina joined her, jumping up to sit between the wooden spikes, her tail weaving at her back.

“Did everything work out?” she asked, seemingly in a brighter mood after her catnap.

“For the most part.”  Her father made contact to inform her that Valdar had gotten to his true goal, bringing up his vision that reflected the Nalvean Empire and how their various clans unified into a powerful whole under their High Ruler; it was almost time to return.  “I need to get stronger… which means you need to step up your game; there is only one way for me to get the ri’bot’s respect.”

Ears falling back and fur bristling, a grimace came from the teen.  “And that is?”

“Combat.  I have proven I can lead.  Now I have to show them I can maintain my position, and not everyone will be so eager to allow my soldiers to take my place.  I need to stand on my own against the naysayers in the only way their culture allows.

“If there is an objection, I will meet it with steel, and they will respect me for it.  To them, a chief needs both wisdom to lead and the metal to stand against the opposition, which is why Yimara isn’t respected by the Delthax.  For that, I need to sharpen my skills and level.”

“Which means I need to work harder…”  Valentina hissed, scratching her fur-covered chest.  “Why did you choose me instead of all the super-powerful undead you have?  Quin can squish me like a bug.  Even some of the maids can kick my tail.”

Elinor’s entertained stare lifted to the starry sky, casting the jungle canopy in a bright light that struggled to reach the floor.

“Because I feel that you have more overall potential, Valentina.  You need to utilize The System better because you should be far outpacing my level.  I’m fairly confident now that I am sharing my EXP with everyone in my Nexus, including my sister and you, to some extent.”

Turning her sharp emerald eyes to the tiger, she saw a quake run through her frame at the intensity in her voice.  “I’ve kept you with me to sharpen your claws and give you a bar.  Never stop.  Push harder and look for challenges.  Enemies circle, and we have to get stronger.  This valley is only the tutorial, Valentina.  When people see me, they see a monster, not a teenage girl, and that is what it will take to survive here.”

Valentina’s tail pressed against her legs as she hopped off the battlement, holding her arm and ears drooping low.  “I’m not sure… if I can ever be like you.  You never stop.  I’ve been sleeping as you talk to warlords about war.  I’m not you…”

A small smile lifted Elinor’s lips as she turned back to the starry sky.  “I’m not asking you to be me.  I already have an annoying little sister that seems determined to run in my footsteps.  I know others can’t follow me, which is why I have to be the one to forge the way forward.

“I want you to be the one that others can look to in order to see they can contend with the world.  I am stability.  My sister thinks of herself as hope for a brighter future.  You could be the faith that connects them to that hope my sister tries to bring.  I’m making strides, Valentina, but an empress can only do so much alone in guiding her empire…  I need you.”

Valentina pulled in her bottom lip before looking up at the vast alien sky in all its glory.  “If I’m going to get stronger… then I can’t be babysat.”

Elinor just chuckled, pointing at the jungle across the river and turning away to return to the meeting.  “I’m not stopping you.”

Valentina grinned, tail wagging again as she jumped onto the battlement to look out at the mysterious jungle, open for her to explore now that Elinor was confident she wouldn’t get owned by a fumbling clanless warrior.

“Oh…”  Elinor paused just before she jumped into the river, making the cat girl choke and claw at the wood to keep herself from falling.  “And you do remember I have some, hmm… bounties, I suppose you could call them inside the Clanless area.  I’d reward someone beautifully for ridding me of the annoyance that is the Clanless Combat Coalition.”

With a backward wave, she left the grinning Beastkin, golden eyes twinkling in the starlight.  “Happy hunting, Valentina.  Don’t do anything I wouldn’t.  Hmm-hmm-hmm.”

“Thank you for all the training and support, Empress,” she whispered, jumping into the river and entering the wild to sharpen her fangs and claws.

Elinor couldn’t let the ambitious tiger teen know that she kept her grounded.  It was time for her to turn into the ravenous beast Krava saw when she first came to this world, and she needed Valentina to be the spark that lit a fire in others within her empire.

Proceeding through the sleeping town, she saw the storm clouds that she’d heard over the Delthax’s clan earlier slowly nearing them.  It was coming down to the singular position she’d come to expect after discussing things with Butter.

If personal feelings were all that were involved, then none of the clans would have so much as speak a word to each other.  However, things were different since she’d opened up with her impressive resume, presented them with each of their problems, and provided a new enemy to point their fingers at.

Zargoth’s desperation as his clan faced destruction and Valdar, as support, brought them more into the territory of what the Elder Chief envisioned since the Fire Wars.  The story about how the Nalvean Empire came to form left a lasting impact on the young Plant Caller.  Now, she provided a way for them to become great again.  Not just that, but something far more lasting than their War Council in the Fire Wars.

Her father parted the vine-crafted door for her to rejoin the conversation, and Elinor met the disgruntled chiefs’ gazes.  She just needed to take one step at a time.

“Chiefs, as King Edmon has conveyed to me, you all can see the dangers of what I have uncovered in your futures, but the problem arises in how to move toward a solution.  My proposal for uniting the clans will be met with opposition, despite many of you agreeing it is the best path to survival.  There are five prevalent hiccups that keep coming up:

“First, there is the fear of the loss of your Mystics with mixing your bloodlines, such as the Roxim Firewalkers.

“Second, there is the inevitable opposition that will arise in every clan regarding a peace treaty.  I am well aware that prejudice is a challenging thing to overcome.

“Third, what each clan has to offer in this pact we are making…  Goods, skills, and land gained from clanless, the Xaltan, Komath, or past borders won or lost in conflicts.

“Fourth, how can we enforce this union or be sure we are committed to it?

“Fifth, as Valdar has pointed to me as the High Ruler with each of you as the council in making critical decisions for this empire we are making, there will be opposition to such a selection.

“I have a solution to each.  Are you willing to hear them?”

Kalix snarled, ever the contentious one of the group.  “My grandfather has already marked you as a neutral party, Empress, but that is also the issue.”

“Indeed,” Elinor chuckled, holding up a hand to show the Lethix, Flex, and Roxim Chief she had an answer.  “Let’s address them:

“First, Tiffany has already stated that she believes herself capable of sparking your ancient ancestry through rituals.  We can put this to the test for what I have planned in the following points.”

“So you do endorse your Witch Queen’s claim?”  Zargoth asked in dead seriousness, looking for any sign of doubt; it could change the course of his battle against the Xaltan, after all.  “You can reawaken my Firewalker blood?”

Elinor flashed her teeth, confident in every word.  “If Tiffany says it is possible.  Yes.  That does not mean it will come without sacrifice, as witchcraft typically requires, but it is something worth investigating.”

Chief Utren looked at his grandfather, now invested himself since his own clan had lost its Mysticism, and she suspected Yimara was just as interested.

“Third—we’ll come back to the second in a moment,” she continued with a laugh.  “Unlike the nalvean’s bloody civil war that carved out individual City-States, we will do things in a far more simple matter of not having City-States at all.  All will be one within the empire and share equally within the empire.”

Incredulous laughter came from the chiefs at her brazen declaration, yet that died as she followed it up with the final three points.

Second, fourth, and fifth…  I propose we settle this peace treaty swiftly and concisely due to the Xaltan and Komath’s duplicitous actions closing in around your necks.  I propose a trial by combat, as is typically done in many disputes among clans.  It is to be held within the week, and naturally, it will be held in the tri-clan area between the Wixum, Lethix, and Flex.”

She paused, looking between the tense leaders.  They were seriously contemplating everything she had to offer them, including the promise to break their cursed populations, bring them into a brighter future, and providing a resume and achievement list to back up her claims from people they each trusted.

“I will face any who oppose this treaty or my selection as the Empress…  I will face them personally, and without my undead.  I will prove to the most argent of opposers that I have what it takes to bring us into an age of prosperity you cannot fathom!  You will not lose your pride but rebuild it in war and victory.

“All that is required is one-on-one combat to bring our people into a future that will outshine anything in your memory with someone proven to have the strength and will to snatch it.”

Elinor looked between them.  “Stability.  Growth.  Support.  I will grant you the power to seize your past glory that your history speakers recount in their heroic tales—to make heroic tales yourself to be sung by generations to come.”

Stopping in front of the effigy, she took on a definitive tone.  “Humph.  So, will you take the risk to stand as giants in time—to outshine both the nalvean and quen’talrat… or let fear bind you?”

Silence ensued as she let her words and proposal sink in, letting them vote for their own clans.  Her father and the Xaria waited in the tense atmosphere that followed.  After a minute of thought, the chiefs moved to speak in private to their Xaria, councilors, and the Elder Chiefs, but the obvious voice was heard first.

Chief Zargoth rose to his feet and rolled around his shoulders, moving to stand by her side.  “The Roxim will agree to the terms and supports the Empress as High Ruler of this union.  I still wish to test the Empress’ skill in combat, but we must hold it within the week; the Xaltan and Komath could attack within the month, and we must make our own preparations.”

Chief Yimara was the next to add her voice to the vote.  “There is no opposition from the Wixum.  We look forward to the innovation and progress that the Empress will bring, as what she has already shown us has been nothing short of miraculous…  And I look forward to seeing my mother again as you have promised, Empress.”

Elinor smiled.  “I’ll make my return tonight and see it done as soon as I arrive.  Speak to Queen Tiffany to bring her corpse to a public location to announce our path forward.  What of the Lethix, Flex, and Delthax?  I expect there will be many who choose to test me for the title of High Ruler.”

Chief Utren breathed out a long stream of air after looking toward Chief Loci and got the sign from the leader.  “If you can provide everything you have claimed, the Lethix and Flex will take part in this union battle of clans…  If the Delthax agrees.  If not, we will make a declaration of war now and prepare for open combat.”

A loud hiss came from Kalix through the effigy.  “There will be many that challenge you, Empress, in this short timeframe.”

She gave a short chortle at the hostile tone.  “Then let me be clear.  This is not a battle for anyone else.  I will fight from start to finish, only taking short breaks in my tent between rounds as my challengers prepare themselves.  My life is free to be taken.  But if anyone does not yield to my rule after their inevitable loss, then I will kill them as an enemy of the empire we have agreed to as leaders of our people.  Anyone can claim this title from me if they best me in combat.  Do you accept that challenge, Chief Kalix?”

“One week,” the chief returned with a dagger-wielding tongue.  “I will see you in combat for leadership over the empire…  And Ectria will be set free to return—at once.  Turn off the call, witch.”

“Y-Yeah, umm—Empress?”

“Haha.  Yes, Trist.  You may return home.  You did well making it up that steep shelf in time for the meeting.  Tiffany, have Antonietta reward them with a good, hot meal when they return.”

“I’ll see it done, Empress!  Prepare to be blown away, sweeties.  Better hustle back, and you best not have lost those witches hats I personally made you on your journey.”

“Eh-hehe.  Not at all, Mistress—Jessica, how do we do a locator ritual again?” she hissed, making Elinor’s stomach shake with laughter as the light on the effigy cut for the Delthax.

“Hopeless klutzy girls,” Tiffany sighed.

“Kind of like someone else I know with a horrible duck impression,” Edmon mused.

Tiffany’s haughty tone flipped on, making the chiefs lift an eyebrow at the unusual display they likely hadn’t seen from her cool and collected leaders.

“If our current bet plays out as I expect, someone, hehe, will show just how bad of a puppy impression he has.  Hurry back, Sweetheart.  I have a leash ready!”   The Wixum’s communication light turned off to spark back to life seconds later.  “Apologies, Empress!  Is there anything else you require of me?”

Elinor puffed out a long breath and chuckled, shooting a light glare at her father, knowing he couldn’t help himself with the withdrawals of teasing the woman.  At the same time, Inoa was not having a fun time in releasing the smug 2nd Rank Xaria, eating up her agitation like candy.

“Has Roman arrived and explored the cave?” she asked, not paying much attention to the Xaria, who would likely make her own way back or spy on her on their return to the Wixum home.

“Oh, yes!  Yes, he is making his way there now.”

“Excellent.  I’ll be returning as swiftly as possible.  We have much to accomplish in one week.”

“I’ll get started immediately!”

The effigy deactivated, and Elinor left, not needing to turn this one off since the brilliant White Witches had created a constant feed of natural power rather than degrading soul power as the others relied on.

Motioning to Zargoth as he and her father joined her on her exit, she saw the others give her a lingering stare.  “I will send for War to accompany you back to your territory to relay your orders.  He will bring you back a week from now.  If you are unable, then you can send him to inform me of your situation.  He will act as your bodyguard until then.”

“Thank you, Empress,” he said, showing renewed hope and vigor after learning that he could obtain his birthright as a Firewalker.  “I look forward to our reunion.”

He left with Edmon, her father contacting the Horsemen to return and giving them their new orders.  White would be riding north to catch up to and support Butter, while Black and Ash remained with her to carry them back to the Wixum.  Quin would join her, and Angélica would remain with Alisa and her White Witches to direct their unintelligent guards.  When the girls were rested, they’d begin their journey home.

Elinor was swift to jump on Ash’s horse when he returned, her father riding behind Black’s thin frame and Quin scouting ahead.  She had to learn more about this cave and become stronger to handle the challenge coming; hopefully, Roman had something other than this Legend’s Quest he spoke of when she returned.

She was a tad annoyed by the rain as it began pouring over them in their swift ride; the rainy season couldn’t end soon enough.  Then again, perhaps it would save them days or perhaps weeks of time in delaying the Komath and Xaltan.  Luckily, her undead weren’t so hampered by the elements, and she rode with Death through the murky night, Famine riding beside them.


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