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Selkie, another web serial creator, has asked all the connected authors to spread the news if you didn't see it on the discord announcements or aren't on discord.

Hello everyone!  As some of you may or may not have heard, Patreon has made a new billing option public! Instead of 'first of the month' billing, creators can now opt into 'pay on the same day you sign up'!  


Now, this is a big change from how Patreon has done things for many, many years. It's *hard* getting the message out to people that there's now a new option, and even harder to tell who's signed up for it. I'm trying to get the news out to as many readers as possible, so you all know what's going on with your favorite creators.

I personally have enrolled in this.

Thank you,  Selkie Myth

I have also enrolled in it.  =))  ^_^7  Cheers.


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