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All of her outfits here are what she officially wore from the manga/anime 💖

Which outfit is your favorite? ✨




Wow took you all day to draw these? Impressive work that I could have done in like HALF the time at best and then have plenty of time to go out and eat a delicious lunch and then dinner. But still pretty impressive. I enjoy the bright and joyful feeling that you SOMEHOW managed to convey in this piece with this cum dumbster waifu. The multiple costumes also perfectly tailored to her personality I GUESS. I would recommend this to people who enjoy a masterful mediocre 10/10 that if I had a hand at making, would easily be considered a classic but still expertly done with subpar beautiful color and over all composition scattered across many variations all also expertly done showing a great understanding, I GUESS IF YOU'RE INTO THAT. 2/10 no peeing.

Basically Anybody

For a second I thought that was a Mari cosplay

Jim Avery

Gorgeous work, as always!


Gotta say, Marin was someone I didn't expect you draw Blue. Love how you managed to get many of the cosplay outfits on here.


Sooo many cute outfits. I got to go with #4, since I love me a girl in a bunny suit.


Perfect timing, I finally got all the graphic novels in the other day.


Retro-styled Marin is a gift. Props for drawing her homemade cosplay -- so adorable! I'm a sucker for succubi, so your Rizu-kyun pic is my fave.


So thoughtful of you to include all her cosplay versions throughout the show! Well done!



Michael Simkins

What about the NSFW/Hentai Versions!? And the answer to the question, neither! More revealing clothes, the better!