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Champion of big boobies 🏆

LIFE UPDATE: I was having a very stressful week dealing with home and pet issues. I was almost forced to surrender my pet bird (due to new apartment management rules not allowing any pet except for dogs and cats). But after all the tears and sleepless nights, I realized how much I loved my bird and did not want give him up. So I was able to look for ways to go around the rules and I'm currently in the process of registering my bird as an ESA.




I love birds. Birds are awesome. Used to have 4 cockatiels when I was younger. Birds are one of the easiest pets to take care of in my opinion, so I don’t have any fricking clue as to why they wouldn’t allow a bird, since most places I went to said it was fine to have one, even when it said no pets on a lease. Plus those rules should only be applying to NEW residents. On that note, love the Cynthia art. Always down for more Pokémon artwork.

Damien Olivera

Family member of mine has an ESA for her handicapped dog which she can bring anywhere. It works wonders for her health! Hope you win.


Generally it's because anything other than dogs or cats have been considered "exotic pets" until fairly recently. Rather silly, really, but a lot of those rules were written decades ago and just haven't been changed.


Definitely the "hardest" champion. (I hope everything works out with your bird, that seems like a rough situation)


I never realized Cynthia was my Oppai Ghawdess until now...


why don't you update your life with some BITCHES?!

matthew fabian

I pray for you and your bird to stay together and the ESA is more than enough to shut management up and let you keep your pet, also when you your character you should include bird one day that would be cute to see. Good luck P.S. she definitely has some big mommy milkers 👌

Project Xare

Hey blue if its no problem I'd really like to someday see some sfw art of you and your bird like some nice wholesome shit of both of yall in the new apartment:)


Yo, fuck that new management. Existing tenants should be permitted (and they should be working with you within reason) to see to it that you can keep your pets.

Tyus Conetah

Well I hope that things are going to be looking up for you seems as though the year has not been the best for ya, yet you still blesses with these wonderful lovely ladies and I'm always so appreciative of that but always please take care of yourself 😊


Because obviously, only cats and dogs can be pets. /s


Aww, I hope it works out! Best of luck!

Acetone Haze

It sucks that you have to go through all that red tape to keep a bird as a pet. I wish the best for you, Blue!