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Howdy friends and fans 🌼

So, for the past couple days, I've been feeling quite sick, like I caught a cold or something. I got severe congestion, swollen sinuses, fatigue and chills. I have very little energy to do much and I've been bedridden/sleeping a lot. 

Tomorrow, I'm doing a COVID test to make sure. At worst, it's Omicron. At best, it's the common cold. I'm 2x vaxxed + boosted.

I'm sorry if I may have to delay any content. This month has been really hard for me, especially with my dad's passing weeks before, but I'll do my best to manage 😩

Thank you for your patience and understanding 💙



Take care.


Get better soon!


Rest well Blue!

Eight-Legged Dj

Please take care! Fingers crossed for a negative test.


Take your time and try to rest. Take it from someone who got covid right after Christmas, you're doing what is the best for your health. That's the most important part.

Justin Payne

That's okay, no need to apologize. Just get well soon! 😷👍👍


Feel better soon Blue! ❤️


Hey, no worries, get well soon :)


Get well soon!


Your health comes first! Get well soon, hoping for the best.

Texas Toast

Don't be sorry for getting sick. Just rest up and get better soon.

Turin Swift

Rest! take your time! it's enough slices! we'll still be here whenever you're recovered. 🤍


Get better soon !


I hope you recover well and that it's nothing too serious. Here I give you this talisman of healing. 🗿


Health is the top priority! I hope that you rest well and come back healthy.

Andy the Artist

I know how that felt I thought I had a cold and it turned out to be Covid.

Andy the Artist

Just take a break till you have recoverer.


Hope you feel better soon with little side effects Blue! I had it a few weeks ago and it sucked alot but it only lasted about a week for me. Stay warm and drink lots of fluids!


Rest easy, keep up meds and fluids and I hope you recover quickly!


Sending you healing vibes! Whatever it is, taking the time you need to rest is always the best choice. We'll all be here whenever you feel up to creating more work!


Take care of yourself chief


Hope you feel better! Take all the time you need!


Best to take care of yourself first, hope ya feel better soon!


Your health is a much higher priority than we will ever be. Do what you gotta. Thanks for keeping us updated.


Take care of you blue 💙 get well soon !


Don't worry about the content we can wait your health is important just make sure to take care of yourself hope everything goes well blue 💙


Hang in there, hope you feel better soon.


If you happen to have covid then have someone grab an oximeter from the drug store. If your oxygen ever drops down below 92% saturation then get to a hospital. Most people wait far to long and medications become less effective. Most likely outcome is that you'll be absolutely fine like the majority of people. Be safe and get well soon!!!


Thank you for still being so thoughtful as to keep us posted! Wishing you a speedy and safe recovery, Blue


drink lots of water!!! get a heating pad, and maybe some pedialight


I'm coming down from Covid as we speak :( I hope you feel better. Do what you can to feel better, even if it's just watching movies


As someone who recently recovered Covid, get plenty rest and liquids in case you do got it. Get yourself back in shape and take care of yourself Blue. I also agree with the heating pad comment, to deal with the chills in bed


Get well soon ❤


Get some rest. Hopefully it’s just a bad case of the cold. It also might be the flu as well. Since Covid came around, you don’t hear anyone talk about the flu anymore. You hear ‘flu-like’, but that’s it. Again, get some rest, drink plenty of water, and chicken soup too. Health comes first.


All the best Blue, hope it passes quickly and you feel better soon! ❤️❤️

Matthew McCoy

Rest up and get better. I adore your art, and it is worth the wait.

Tyr Tyrvekk

Take care of your health first. You've been pumping out a lot of art recently. We will be fine and wait for your healthy return. *Lots of warm hugs*


Fluthebone lmao


You do you


Hope you feel better soon, Blue.


Like hell I'm gonna stop supporting during this shit. Take whatever time you need.


Take all the time you need to feel better!


No need to apologize, your health is way more important!! i hope everything goes well & you feel better


If quarantine taught me anything, just avoid uber eats if that's your thing


Feel better soon! I've also been feeling cruddy and was exposed to Covid at work the other day so I hope it's not Covid :/


Take care of U, Blue!

Tyus Conetah

It's all good this month doesn't seem like the Best of month for ya but, you just take all the time ya need to be getting better and hopefully things will improve from here on out and, in the meantime I'll gladly wait for for ya to recover.

Wretched Spawn

Rest well. Take care of yourself. ^w^


rest well you have earned my sub not going anywhere


UPDATE - 1/29/22: I got my COVID test results back (pretty quickly!) and I got negative. So it's not COVID! I guess I just got the common cold or flu, huh? 😅


I'm relieved that it's not COVID. I hope you get over your cold quickly and get healthy.