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(NOTE: This animation GIF is best viewed on PC or on my Discord server! The Patreon app can be buggy or slow.)

Sweet, angel food cake with lots of vanilla frosting on the side ??




Excuse me, but uhhhh, my request are going unnoticed and uhhhh like I need you to like listen to me like right now lmao. Honestly like your art is like pretty great and all but it would be like super like amazing if you listen to my request and draw it like how I want to with the characters that I like want like lmao. Thanks you. Also like nice job I guess.




This is the best


good boob bounce and squish on that booty, btw


Excellently done blue!


The goth angel addicted to candies, loving those physics

Will Martin-Foster

Just a gentle reminder that there STILL IS NO SEASON 2


I thank God every day for blessing us with Stocking.

Tyus Conetah

Don't worry Stocking I got your cream here for ya... By that I mean your cream puffs jeez where did you guys think I going with that.


God, I wish. That would be amazing, more gifs in general should end in creampies. ... ...oh my God, I just had an idea...would BtB be willing to do alternate/adjusted GIFs from the old VIPER series of animated games!? That would be amazing!


That hair, those wings, the sparkles, dem boobies... your art should be classified as a lethal weapon because it slays me damn near every time.


she looks so M E A T Y >w> also...i feel stupid, but...what's the difference in the two versions? =O


Dammit, these GIFs are catching me in a mood to write naughty stuff...now I want the creampie follow-up, and an alternate with Panty...but I know better than to start making demands like that.


Panty is very underrated. I have seen countless discord users with stocking profile pics and only one with a panty pfp


good lord i didn't know i wanted this

John Lowry

There should be another Alt version of him giving her that sweet cream.


oof, those hips are all the candy that I need 👀 also love her lingerine! Looks so cute


Omg, adorable~!!! I love the hand around the neck--she looks really cute, and is so bouncy! ^^


Wow this is beautiful!! I also like how you make the wings move too. 😊

Andy Hood

The animation is so smooth 🙀 I’m in awe