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"Ha! Ballsy of you to sneak up on this defenseless bunny girl!" 🐰💢

I'm experimenting with a more traditional anime cel look. I had to keep in mind the "lack of quality" when it came to the line art and coloring. Back in the day, it was printed on a cel but some ink was lost during the transferring process. I tried to make the shading a bit more blotchy and less pointy and crisp. They used real paint and brushes, and painted behind the lines. Ya'll also may notice the "shadow" behind the line art. It's to replicate multiple cels placed on top of each other. I've also toned down the film grain a lot, so it looks less distracting. With these new methods, it looks like a HD blu-ray remaster while still maintaining the retro look and techniques.

Anyways, I think I'm gettin' closer and closer to replicating retro one-to-one! 🤩

What do ya'll think? 😚




I think it's amazing


It looks amazing Blue


Looks good, and always love more best bunny girl!


Ah this is so good, love the abs!

Will Martin-Foster

Every time I look at your work it reminds me of old VIZ and ADV and how old I am when I start getting all nostalgic for that era hentai.


lol the bunny pubes Great work, Blue! I'd say you nailed the "HD" retro look with this one.


I like it bro, think your vision coming together too :) ps: Mirko can crush me with her thighs and I’ll die happy


This is fantastic. You always deliver. 👯‍♀️


Yes yes yes YESSSSS!!! It looks great, and just for being Mirko it's even better ❤

Phil Craig

Seems like every picture is closer and closer. That's awesome!

Turin Swift

10/10 would let crush


You've done an amazing job with this one 2 🖒🖒!!!!!


She looks amazing!! 😍

Tyus Conetah

Thanks for the amazing art history Blue Sensei I always wondered how cel works and, wow so much time and effort went into making those things really makes you appreciate all the hard work that went into making old anime and cartoons thanks again for teaching me things with your lewd ecchi drawings.




Wowowow o:


Hehehe the bunny pubes 🙊🙊


Haha yea originally it was just gonna be generic bush, but I shaped it out 🐰 Thank you Body!! ♥


Became a new Patron and the first thing I see is one of my favorite characters! Amazing, I love your work so much!


Also, I love your eye for detail so much! It brings me so much joy. You're doing a great job in analyzing and replicating!