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Hey y'all! Unfortunately, I overstrained my wrist/arm recently and can no longer post any more art for this month :(

I'll do my best to make it up next month!! 😖

On another note, how are ya'll liking my new art style? Still retro, but more cutesy and pastel yeah? :D
I personally find it much nicer and easier to work with animations!

Anyways, without further ado...

Which art piece was your favorite from this month? 🌈

Attached below is an HD file dump of all the art/animations (including process GIFs) from April 2024 in JPG/PNG and GIF/MP4 formats, respectively ✨

This month includes...

  • Aqua God Blow animation (GIF/MP4; 2 alternate variants + WIP GIF)

  • Pekomama fake screencap art (JPG; 15 alternate variants + process GIF)

  • Isabelle Human fake screencap art (JPG; 26 alternate variants + process GIF)

  • Booette fake screencap art (JPG; 24 alternate variants + process GIF)

  • Bluesona Doggy animation (GIF/MP4; 3 alternate variants + WIP GIF)

Total Size: 390 MB

If you have any comments or concerns, please let me know! Thank you 💙




God Blow has a special place in my heart. Rest up, I'll patiently await your next work. Loving your art style.


I hope you can take it easy and recover! Your artwork is always amazing and love every time you post! The Doggy Bluesona will tie us over until you have healed.


Favorite definitely has to be Isabelle anal. I think you've given us more than enough this month. Get well soon!


Okay so as far as I'm concerned, you have nothing to make up. I will take your health over additional Bluewdity 100 times out of 100. That said, Puppy Bluesona getting it doggy style takes the cake for me, as is typical. Finally, and at the risk of discouraging you, I didn't notice the changes in your art style? Maybe they were subtle enough as you made the shift? It's probably just me being dumb and inattentive. Now GO ICE THAT FOREARM, YOU.


YES I WILL STICK MY ARM IN FREEZER THANK YOU 🫡🫡🫡 (and no you did not discourage me at all!!)


I’m glad it’s art you strained your wrist over…. Either way please take care of yourself, as far as I’m concerned you don’t have anything to make up for, you gave us stuff to EAT this month so I am sated. Be careful next time and don’t sporadically start drawing the Mona Lisa. (Side note, both animations slap, however the aqua bj was the best soup)


This is the best ever xoxoooooo love u and your talent so much ❤️✨

Rogue Ralsha

Hey is there any way to get an older month's pack?