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I hope you enjoy today's patron-exclusive upload, another Drunk and Dangerous!  Join me as I continue my trek through the questionable and questionably written tale, The Whore Next Door, by Hamid!



Dangerous' Freya❤️

DnDs will always make my Wednesday mornings! Let’s see what part 3 has to offer! ❤️🤗😊

David Kelly

Got something to look forward to after work, thanks DA

Jeremy Knight

I straight up did not know that a woman randomly lactating was a sign of breast cancer! but it's true that women just don't have milk. When I had Robin lactate it was because it was a fetish she got from someone.

Jeremy Knight

I'm going to asume that Sabrina's father and brother called black men Moon Crickets or Spooks. As a black guy myself I don't take offence to race play but I understand why it would make people uncomfortable. This story sounds like it's trying to mix race play from literotica with another writer from that site that mainly makes stories about evil sexy women seducing married men into having crazy sex.

Jeremy Knight

Download link is still gone after a week, I really hope it comes back. If not I hope there's a silution to this.


I've noticed several people complaining about that. Is that something that changed after an update? Because i can still download but am now afraid to update the app

Jeremy Knight

Yes, last week there was an update that caused emails to not be sent out on time and the download link has vanished on the site version of Patreon. I don't use the App so I have no control over site updates. It's really been bothering me because that was one of the benefits of patreon. I was thinking that maybe DA can put her audios on google drive or dropbox in apinned post, that way people can have access and download her stuff. That's what Teacupaudio does.

Cole Blackblood

The download option is still there, it's just hidden in the elipses to the right of the share and like buttons. If you click on it, you get options to download or report content

Jeremy Knight

Again, THere is no ... button on the site version, even when I click more actions it doesn't say share or report. I wouldn't be complaining about this if it was simply moved but it's straight up gone and I'm not the only one having this problem. I've even pressed the arrow keys left right, up and down to hear share, report or download when I click more actions, still nothing.

Jeremy Knight

I wish they didn't have to make things even more complicated, I swear to you there is no ... button.

Ipdar teldar

She hates her husband enough to murder him in his sleep and the neighbor comes over to feed and care for here baby, which is more than he husband ever did. Why is this not a story about Canary leaving her husband for Tan? Free wet nurse and baby sitter? Just leave him for her, she'd be better off.


I’m waiting for Garfield to make a return to this story lol. Thank you for the laughs, Dangerous. Have a nice day. 😊


New drinking game: every time the a city in Virginia, take a drink. Every time the state of Virginia is mentioned, finish the beverage and pour a new one.