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I hope you guys enjoy today's early upload, a sweet and friendly slime girl roleplay, written by the marvelous Sakura Twister!




Yes! Finally!


yes, finally!

Jeremy Knight

Maylice is really sweet, I appreciate her for saving my life. Kinda strange that water hurts her since she's made of thick liquid but okay.


I imagine her to be purple, based on the thumbnail. So if I go back to town and get asked about the purple slime on my clothes, I’ll just say it’s grape jelly. I’ll never break my promise, I’m not a “slimeball” lol. Thank you Sakura Twister and Dangerous, for another demonstration of great writing and voice talent. I hope you have a great day. 😊

Shane Driscoll

No fucking way DA!! I was hoping one day this would happen with one of my favorite creators. This is awesome! Thank you!


Who had Slime bae on their bingo card? She’s a sweetie. I want to protect her squish at all cost…Is she pink? Oh Heavenly MMORPG Gods, please let her be a pink squish 🥹


This was TOO fucking cute. I love that she was hiding behind a rock from us

Cygnus Vailand

My first reaction: Aww, so cute! My second reaction: "Hallucination?"!!!


Slime is just alright with me. I fish, therefore I slime …

Dan C.

Did I hear a phone notification go off?


Totally natural occurrence among slimes. Nothing to worry about.