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Hey guys!  

Many apologies for the diversion from your regularly scheduled roleplay material, but my voice is currently MIA due to a combination of cold and overuse.  So today, enjoy a selection of up close and personal binaural triggers from yours truly (with a tiny bit of an intro)!  

Hopefully it's more relaxing than my squeaky voice...



Jordan Curry

Get well soon dangerous ❤


Dangerous being sick??? What is this wonky world coming too? In all seriousness I hope you feel better soon!❤️❤️❤️

Bowzer 240

Praying for you🙏


All cool. Get the rest you need!


Rest well!

Cup Of Earl Grey Tea

Please Dangerous! Don't fret! Please, rest your amazing voice. I appreciate the effort to give us something but me and I'm sure everyone else would rather prefer you care for yourself first

David Kelly

I actually really really enjoyed this, especially that last 30 seconds or so. Get well soon, don’t force yourself for our sake, we’re degenerates not monsters

Jeremy Knight

Holy shit what happened to your voice? you sound like you blew out your voice from a lot of screaming. Get well soon.


Hope you feel better soon


Thanks for the triggers D.A! I hope you get better soon ❤️❤️


Frick, she's sick :(


Thanks for the triggers 😊 now go rest.


Rest well, and if you run out of kleenex you can always blow your nose on one of your 2 cats : )


Your voice is gone? Well better go find it! (Jokes aside, get better soon!)


Won’t lie, felt rather guilty when I read you’d lost it due to overuse. We all love your ASMR but please don’t strain yourself over content! Hope u get well soon but take all the time u need!

Erected Dragon

Get well- if all fails... You still got feet

Blue Sky Brain

Please take care of yourself Dangerous! Get some rest! Hope you feel better soon ❤


I hope you get better soon, rest as much as you need mommy.


By Freyja's cats, your voice! Seriously, we all appreciate the effort and this was quite relaxing. But you rest that voice of yours!

Blake Devon

Oh shit.. Jeez, I can feel the discomfort. Please take care. Not for us but for yourself. (Ngl tho, you sound kinda cute..)


I always think you work so much for us to make us content and we don’t deserve to be so spoiled by content thats so amazing . so let me reiterate what many of us have said. Take as much time and care as you need. You won’t be letting us down if anything you’ll make us happy knowing you’re taking of yourself Madam Danger 🤗**sending virtual comfort hug & kiss❤️

David Love

😢aww I hope you get still soon for you’re sake


Pls do take care, get well soon and get alot of rest 💗


Aww noo!! Hope you feel better soon ;-;


Why are you even trying to record right now?! REST UP! Thank you for everything.

Mika Koverola

Take your time to heal, and then some to be sure - we want to keep hearing your voice in coming years


Take the time you need.

Quintana Florent

Please take care of yourself! Heal and take your time!

chris mann

Tea with honey time.

Antoine g.

Get Well soon and pace yourself ^^


Get well soon


Mad respect for finding the strength to do this in your current state I hope you get better soon, soo we can see you at 100% again.


take all the time u need plus more, Dangerous. seriously! love all the work u do

Easyus Prime

I hope you get better soon take care of yourself love you dangerous


The fact that you still uploaded this audio, when you could’ve just taken the day off, shows your dedication and it is very much appreciated. But please take as much time as you need to heal, your health is the most important thing at the end of the day. Get well soon, Dangerous. 😊 ❤️


Your poor voice! The intro sounded so painful. Hopefully you feel better soon.


Feel better 🙂

T- Virus

Dangerous, please take it easy


Rest easy Dangerous!

Darker Impulses

Wishing you a quick recovery DA! Hope you feel better!


Get better hon, health always comes first. 💗💗💗

seth neubauer

Take all the time you need to rest your angelic vocal cords, madame. 💞🙏


Get well soon


I gotta say though that was an extremely adorable intro ; w ; but do get well soon! Get some rest and drink ginger tea!


So nice 🤤 It would be awesome to incorporate more of this into roleplays, I love it when you get the mix of whisper RP and triggers!

Maddison St. Chad

Oh my gosh babe 🥺 you poor thing! You’re doing so good, we appreciate you


Milk and honey, hope you feel better.