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"I know what you want, the things you hesitate to admit even to yourself... so let me indulge you... "

I hope you guys enjoy today's FxF erotic upload, a very NSFW chapter 2.5 of the Pangs series, written once again by the fabulous Sofi P.!

(Revisit part 2: https://www.patreon.com/posts/48637835 )




Currently screaming! Excited to listen!


I live once more for fxf content


What is that squealing noise? Oh, it’s me, losing my goddamn mind.


This is one of my favourite series! I'm elated to see a NSFW for it! 🖤


Oh god. I don't know whether to be scared or aroused Fuck. The whispering, the ear licking, the slow build up, the tribbing. The possessiveness, and the control - fuck this was sooo...good.


Me, upon seeing a vampire fxf: 🥵


The dialogue in this is fantastic, beautifully written and perfectly spoken. Loved it ❤️


Oh my god you’re treating us goooooood ❤️These binaurals keep getting better and better. Didn’t even feel like I was wearing earphones 😍😍😍😍


Wow....i don't-... just wow

Shae Kelley

I honestly kind of want an NSFW where I guess for lack of a better term both of the dolls decide to have some fun together.


God I love this series! Beautifully written and exicuted! ❤️

Lavender Delight (she, her)

This is so insanely beautiful. Thank you both, Sofi P. and DA for creating this and offering such a lovely experience.

Kristina Hassett

I liked this a lot ☺️😄, hope that there’s more of story like this .


1. That title, iconic, we love a good (bad?) pun! 2. Them tags tho... I see that "good girl" tag, sofi, I see that ;) Oooh, but even from the very beginning, the SFX of the sheets rustling was really intimate-sounding, that’s how I know it’s binaural (aside from the tag of course) and I’m already hella hyped! Also, damn, that intro scene calling me out. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve pretended to be asleep around people, and yet unlike the Doll, I’ve never been caught. Tho granted, I’ve never also been held captive by a vampire, so that may have something to do with it, LOL “telltale snail trail” LOL followed by the word “puerile”. Sofi’s really flexing her vocab skills on us, and her sense of humor. It’s amazing how you can have the character say something so dissonant, and yet it still feels perfectly natural and not too forced or silly! And oooh! The first whisper! (Dies happily) But damn her sarcasm LOL, a bit of the real Dangerous ASMR just bled (pun intended) into the vampire’s speech right there. Little Ms. Dramatic! Also, I see you stole the knife thing from the Seduced by a Vampire :P “It’s simply not your decision to make.” (Brandon Rogers voice) Try me bitch! (Throws self out window) Ok all the sheet rustling and whispers are SOOOOOOOOOOO frigging nice. Like, can I just get those sections of the audio spliced into another audio so it’s just like 5 mins of the binaural triggers? LOL JK (But real talk, DA, incredible work with the binaural. In my very biased opinion, it’s your best mic and you do all of your best work with it!) “Do you know what fear is?” (Thinks about spiders) Yes. Also, when did she become It? JK JK Oooooh the overlapping whispers! More throwback to the original series? But dude, this vampire is just so… prosy with how she speaks and yet it’s such a guilty pleasure to listen to. The writing is beautiful and the performance is so captivating and passionate. DA and Sofi, you make quite the pair! Also, did you just compare the femoral vein to a filet mignon? LOL, only you two could ever pull that off! Like, I know I could go on forever about Sofi’s awesome writing, but it’s also DA’s emotional and heartfelt performance. Like, even in the sarcastic and silly moments, you can just tell the voice acting is 100% all-out and it’s SO GOOD! It makes every line so much fun to hear and it’s just so genuinely captivating! Every line is read with such sincerity and that makes it so easy to get so invested in, so phenomenal work on the VAing, DA. I know this character type is probably super easy for you to do by now, but that doesn’t make it any less exciting and entertaining to listen to! Ooooh yessssssss and then we got to the kiss triggers! (Dies happily again) “The air is thicc” LOL sorry, couldn’t help myself Ooooh yay, more whispers AND OMFG, the first time I ever listened to this audio, with the DEEP ear licking, I literally ascended. Sofi you know how badly/amazingly that got me. (Incoherent screaming) I feel so lucky that one of my favorite DA writers shares the exact same specific trigger that I do bc every time you put it in a script, I’m twice blessed! (In fact, I’m time-stamping for my own purposes. It’s not even just the sexiness, I just LOVE that exact type of ear eating/licking/kissing/etc: 9:40) I need an entire audio of that time-stamp, LOLOLOLOLOL But even just the regular kisses, like everything that followed 9:40, was REALLY tingly and tickly on the ears. Bless! Like, I can’t describe it, but the ear triggers in this vid were SO FUCKING GOOD and SO FUCKING PLENTIFUL that I can confidently say this is my new favorite NSFW audio and definitely one of my new favorites across the board. Good job, Sofi, you finally toppled New Plaything from the top of my smut list, LOL! My ears were so happy upon this day! And obvs, MASSIVE KUDOS to the performer herself for doing all those triggers and managing to do them so perfectly throughout the entire audio! But even the non-trigger parts (like the dialogue) were amazingly performed (see above, LOL). Very passionate and intense, so I know I always over-compliment DA audios, but like… I wish I had the words to properly praise this one so my rambling didn’t seem so pathetic, LOL So is this a mindfuck just as much as it is a bodyfuck? But seriously, EVERY sound is so NICE! Not even just the mouth stuff, but the sheets and whispering and breathing. I could go on for years about how good this was. And yes, it was also quite hot, tho I promise I won’t say more than that, LOL “you endeavor to maintain this facade of spurious resistance!” Ok I get it Sofi, you know a lot of English :P But this entire last paragraph was just so… poetic that it was a huge guilty pleasure to listen to. All the words and phrases were so pretty even tho, in any other context, they might’ve been too dramatic :P Bravo, Sofi, for making dialogue like this fit so well and feel so sexy And of course, bravo DA for reading them with such… gusto! Your energy in the performance totally sold it! You rocked this dialogue and audio (and the bed, huehuehue) Also, any time she says anything to the effect of “Be mine!” I just get Carmilla vibes, so that’s also nice (tho I get Carmilla vibes from all her vampires, so I’m obviously biased, LOL) Also “Plaything” I see what you did there, Sofi, LOL And THEN, in true Sofi fashion, we get something tearjerking and heartwarming as a closing act. How dare you hit me with that mood whiplash? I finally understand the “good girl” tag, LOL! But real talk, this was the most memorable part of the audio to me, bc I did not expect her to suddenly get THAT vulnerable and grateful. But this is REALLY where DA’s performance just made my jaw drop yet again. DA, the way your voice suddenly got so soft and sincere and “small” literally shook me, it actually scared me a little, but it was also so touching and sweet that it brought one (1) tear to my eye and had me actually feeling quite sad for the vampire. Just a testament to your incredible acting, being able to pull off such a tender scene with such ease. Honestly, the voice you used for the softer side of the vampire gave me SUCH Domme GF vibes, which makes sense, but the contrast between THIS voice and the vampire in the preceding 20 ish was so astounding that, like I said, I was just floored for a moment there. I couldn’t even! LOL! Like, the part where she actually thanks the doll for everything, bruh, I wasn’t prepared! The tone of voice was too emotional! I still can’t even… LOL And THEN we switch back to feeding. I should’ve realized we would get one last hurrah, LOL And then we also get more of Sofi’s trademark vocabulary flexing, LOL And then you hit me with ANOTHER soft moment? The fuck Sofi? Trying to hit all of your trademarks in the last 2 mins? “You're safe with me. Nothing and no one can hurt you in my arms. And I'll never take more from you than you have to give…” I only just recovered from the preceding paragraph and that happened. How dare? And once again, DA killing it with the soft, gentle, caring tone (and the nice tingly whisper, of course, LOL) Ope and the very last line… I must confess I’m a LIL sad that we didn’t hear more of the feeding part (bc you know, I’m a slut for tingles) but I also totally get it, since the audio was already at 23 mins. But real talk, what a fun and phenomenal listen. Everything I could’ve liked in an audio was present in this one and it was all done to perfection. I really can’t think of anything I could even objectively complain about! Like I said many times already, Sofi totally KILLED it with the writing. Even the most melodramatic lines were such a guilty pleasure. And DA totally KILLED it with the performance, reading every line with such passion that it truly was such a treat to get to listen to this. You both are queens and I hope you’re proud of this audio bc I sure would be!!


This is soooo good! Hoping there’ll be more episodes of this series….


This really making me wish I had a pussy

Shane Driscoll

Does the P stand for pussy or possession?