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When I was a child, I didn't have 100% completion YouTube walkthroughs to look up. I didn't even have GameFAQs. If kids like me got stuck, we had to get the power. NINTENDO POWER.

I hope you guys enjoy today's early upload, another gaming session with our lovable walking Super Nintendo encyclopedia, written by and game soundtracks/SFX mixed in by Net Neutrality!  Are your favorites in this episode?

(Listen to part 1 here: https://www.patreon.com/posts/47126480 )



Net Neutrality

Only Castlevania game I ever owned was Castlevania 2: Simon’s Quest. I owned Zelda 2: the Adventure of Link on the NES, and Link’s Awakening when I was older. The last Kirby game I ever got was Kirby 64: the Crystal Shards. How about you all? Also, the eating/drinking tags are there in case people hate the sound of that in their ears. Enjoy the audio, everyone!


I need to multiply this girl by “i” so I can play games with her

Jeremy Knight

My older brother used to play Super Nintendo games but he was never into Castlevania, Zelda or Kirby. Man I remember those video rental stores, Giant Eagle used to have one called iggle Video where my family used to rent Gamecube and PS2 games for a week.


Rondo of blood will always be better then Dracula X

Net Neutrality

Rondo of Blood ran on the TurboGraphX16’s peripheral CD drive. A console that not many people owned, and an add-on that requires owning said console. Also, Rondo of Blood was only ever released in Japan. Dracula X was alone in the American market, so it deserves to be judged on its own merits alone. Comparing the two games is fruitless if one of them is inaccessible.

Net Neutrality

Iggle Video, huh? Was it a local business? What games would you get? The last time I ever rented a GameCube game, it was Super Mario Sunshine. I got as far as Petey Piranha :D My childhood hometown had a game store called “Game Bros”. Not only could you rent games, but they even had a Mario Bros arcade game. I’m talking the original Mario Bros, where you’re confined to one screen with a POW block and enemies coming out of pipes. I don’t remember when it went out of business, but it was replaced with a store that sells fishing gear.


I can respect this point of view im happy there was at least someway to play this game in the US but with Rondo of blood being more accessible today I feel its still superior.




Zelda omg my favorite set of games thank you for putting it in!!

Xrth'hlu Klysm

I have no idea what games are played here. Feelsbadman


I can just see Net smiling, rubbing his hands together evilly :’)

Net Neutrality

"Evilly"? Oh Karla, you ain't seen nothin' yet. There are so many more things I could get DA to nerd out about. I will find a way to make a roleplay where a math lesson is given. Someday.


LOZ! Haha the memories flooding back as soon as I heard the theme 😁


Honestly hearing all these classics makes me wish I played these at the time. Yet, I wasn’t born. Great audio!

Net Neutrality

Thanks! Surely they’re available on emulators or the Nintendo Switch? I wouldn’t know; the last next gen console I ever got was the Wii. I’m too old to want anything more now.


1: The "feels bad man" sent me! 2: I DID know someone with a turbografix-16! Man we used to play Bonk's Revenge all the time back in the day (I'm so old) but honestly, that friend was the ONLY person I ever met who owned one! I wonder if they still have it somewhere. :D

Net Neutrality

1: I was hoping it would :D 2: Impressive. I know I left behind all of my old consoles when I moved out of home, and sometimes I do regret it.

Todd Carney

I love everything about this series! So much fun!


Castlevania is out for Mattel's Intellivision gaming console (Intellivania). I have a copy that I'll be playing soon. https://youtu.be/VQMd06fWkHI


Ok net ur turn :P But I know nothing about these games, so most of this is gonna be an r/woosh for me LOL “I’m glad ONE of us enjoys Castlevania” literally me @ this audio :P This is such Net fanservice tho :P Ayyyy and you brought back the vape! LOLOLOL I love the realism of this series, it’s so casual and chill and just… fun! Slice of life stuff! And DA, even tho the voice of this character is “mundane” you still manage to make her sound lively and real! It’s fun to listen to, the little bits of sarcasm and playfulness that bleed into her tone every now and then. Great stuff! It’s just funny listening to her nerd out and complain over these games, especially since I have no clue what she’s talking about, LOL Ohhh you included snackies for the munchies, LOLOLOLOL “Game over on level 2” Me OMFG YOU HAD HER WHISPER “FEELS BAD MAN” *Net I hate your stupid ass, LOLOLOLOLOL (would’ve been funnier in binaural :P) *Disclaimer, you know I don’t actually Ah, but I live for DA having to read cringey-ass lines in public scripts. You better have pog/pogchamp in the next one :P “Tackling all of Nintendo’s biggest cash cows” This audio brought to you by… RAID SHADOW LEGENDS jk jk I’m loving all the video game SFX too LOL We need a DA youtube letsplay channel! Help us find cheat codes and stuff. JK! I love how many times she says, “X wouldn’t have happened without Y!” bitter boomer much? :P JK JK Slight unrealism is trusting her when she tells you to go into the other waterfall. If I were the GF character, it would’ve been a trap I tricked the listener into going into. “See that other waterfall? Go there… Yep, it’s an insta-kill.” :P Hmmm maybe that’s why I’m still single? LOLOLOLOL “You just want your hands free to eat more food!” MOOD. Also, that’s not the only reason… (huehuehue) “most of the games are pretty short but, as a kid, I thought they were MASSIVE” Bro literally same LOL. Adulthood is playing your old games again and still having a high nostalgia even tho they aren’t as impressive as you remember LOL Ope, cronch cronch, LOL “You’re not gonna believe how simple it was all along!” LOL mood again. Adulthood is also realizing the games were a lot easier than you remember. Hours of play, now completed in minutes! LOL I’d be so mad tho, to realize that it was THAT easy to get all along Oh and of course it ends with kisses :P Great script, you guys! Really cute and sweet! It was lots of fun to listen to. Net, great work on the writing and quirks. DA, great work on the performance and vaping, LOL