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I hope you guys enjoy today's early upload, the continuation of the gender neutral Amazon series!  I decided that after the poll victory, it only made sense to add a new chapter to each of the Amazon stories, both FxM and gender neutral.  I hope you agree!

(I know it's been a while, so refresh your memory with part 1 here: https://www.patreon.com/posts/29397931 )




Dangerous, you spoil us 💗 I love how you manage to give each Amazon woman such distinct personalities. Andreia is such a tsundere type. I really hope her relationship with the listener progresses!


"imprisoned by amazons that are not horny, or at the very least are significantly less horny to the point that it doesn't effect the story in any meaningful way" would have been a more fitting title.


also, that guy who is always begging for a continuation to the amazon series is eatin GOOD this month.

Ilyas Osman

yas more big domi

Jeremy Knight

Man how tall and big are these Amazon's to keep making fun of how small I am


I forgot the 2 versions had such different stories! But don't get me wrong, both are excellent! Tho I must confess I personally prefer THIS story, at least for now... 😂 But real talk, the entire intro is me @ my alarm clock, and I love that Andrea's definition of "sleeping in" is sleeping until sunrise. She'd hate me bc I sleep until noon! 😂 I also love that the current plot is basically speed-run job-training. Throw the listener into every Amazonian career and see where they cause the least amount of trouble. Big mood. 😂 But real talk, I WAS excited when she said blacksmithing was first on the list. I also have 0 experience in it, but it's always seemed so badass to me. I definitely am not disappointed that this is our first job. Let's see how long we last 😂 And I have to say, I'm really starting to like Larissa's character. She's just so sweet, friendly, funny, open, wise and compassionate! She had some genuinely funny lines that were paired with genuinely kind ones as well! In a way, her dynamic with Andrea reminded me a little of Carmelina and Countess (tho Larissa seems far more genuine than Carmelina 😂 ) "Only objectively! You are allowed to feel however you wish! I won't stop you! Now you are starting to look like Andrea, with that sour expression! Maybe we're not so different after all..." best lines in the audio IMO 😂 Like, getting to blacksmith with HER? Double win IMO! I also love the (for lack of a better term) irony (also, pun possibly intended) of her (someone who is, so far, the sweetest and most accepting character) being the freaking blacksmith, of all things. 😂 Ah, but aside from how fun this audio was, well done on the voices, DA! I know it was intentional, but I still really love the sharp contrast between Andrea and Larissa's voices. That's part of what gave me the Countess and Carmelina vibes. You're able to convey their personalities, emotions and quirks so well! And of course, the accent is really awesome too! And I really like all the SFX too. Even tho none were very prominent, there were so many small ones in the background and they really do a great job of setting the scene. I can tell you put a lot of hard work into editing and you've got my utmost respect for it! Kudos to you!


Larissa is such an adorable character!


I forgot how different in tone these were. This one is more "fish out of water", more realistic actually. Loving the accents! Larissa...good Slavic...I mean Amazon name!

God-emperor Zurg

Larissa has been my favourite from the start 🥳

Jacob L

This is my favorite out of all the Amazon audios. It has the best story potential and would probably do the best if made into a multi part series like the werewolf and vampire series. That’s not to say that I don’t love the other ones. I’m still a sucker for fanservice.