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Since its earliest recorded history mankind has reported intelligences that intrude upon our world; things that spy, occupy human bodies, and seem to hunt particular substances or outcomes in our spacetime for enigmatic reasons. Angels, demons, tulpa, skin-walkers, men in black. Each culture calls them something different. To the Program, they are known as “S-Brane entities” or “HEIs” (“hyperdimensional extruded intelligences”).

Player’s Agents might find themselves face-to-face with something that can see beyond their limited point of view in reality, enacting baroque plans, and which seeks to bargain with them to achieve its unknowable goals.



Claire Connelly

Just read Greg Stolze’s “Potential Recruit” and “As I See It”, which feature similar-sounding Arabic creatures.


SBEs and lliogor could be merged into a single range of entity-manifestations.


Anything could. Mi-Go, a Great Old One or a Shoggoth. They could all be this, or the same thing. No one will ever know for certain. Theories—especially theories about the unnatural—turn out to be wrong, or ill-informed. That's the cool part.

Claire Connelly

“Apparently it protects people from what Fahish called ‘Khamsi Janib Idris’ – a five part or five sided demon.” “Five, huh? In Hertzog’s lab, he’d set up five walls around his equipment.” Wickman nodded, his eyes bright with enthusiasm. > “Fahish describes these demons in ‘Haram Ihtifal’. They can become invisible, pass through walls, change their shape and size – standard tricks from stories and folklore. More importantly, the book describes the ritual of Idris Ain Iftah’li. The ritual was supposed to provide eternal life, perpetual youth, second sight – the name means either demonic eye opening, or the opening of the demon eye.” — “As I See It”, Greg Stolze, in _Scary Face_.