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Writing Exercise Prompts:

- Buzz

- Rope

- Marble


My head is a buzz with information. Overloading on sensory input.

And yet I can't stop smiling!

The musuem in the Big City isn't as fancy as some of the major city musuems, but it certainly packs a lot into the space its got.

Set in an old, restored castle on the very fringes of the town, it has a wing for historical art, a wing for technology of the olden days, a space for displaying currency over the years, and even a whole hall dedicated to paleontology.

I push myself past the enticing sight of a few benches, forcing my sore feet onwards to keep seeing it all, wanting to take in every sight in.

Thankfully, my date is someone who appreciates these treasure just as much as I do.

"What do you think?" I ask Nat as a draw to a stop beside her. She's halted to examine a statue to two lovers cast in beautiful sleek marble, their fluid motions working with the flow of the liquid-looking material so well.

The two figures are staring into each other's eyes, one placing a hand on the other's cheek in soft but hesitant embrace. Their bodies are partly nude but draped in a sheet that's been so masterfully carved that it seems as though it may blow away if we breathe too close to it.

Of course that's made impossible by the red velvet rope barrier fencing it in.

"It's stunning," Nat says on an awe-struck breath. "Haunting, almost."

"Isn't it?" I ask, just as magnetised by the sight as she is. "The way their expressions are so detailed. I keep expecting them to blink."

"If they do, then we're all in trouble," she comments with a chuckle.

My skin gets goosebumps at the sound of her voice so close to my ear.

"And their forms," I continue, raising my hands to follow the curves and contours of their figures. "So real and alive. You can see the wanting, the movement, in every inch of them."

As I extol the virtues of the statue further, I notice Nat has gone very quiet.

I glance over at her, my hands still hovering in the air mid-explanation, and my brow furrowed. "You all right?"

Her brown eyes—usually warm and bright with honey tones—have deepened in colour.

"You…don't seem to be looking at their forms," I say.

She steps closer, leaning close towards me as her fingers trace up my side and then spread out to grasp at my hip. "The only form I care to appreciate is yours." The words are purred.

I moisten my lips as desire flames inside of me so hot I worry the statue beside us may crack.


Hope you enjoyed it! :D



Michael Reddy

This really shows are distinct and unique all of these characters are from one another, I can just picture what Farah, Ave and Morgan would say lol




That is it. I’m running away with Nat for sure... for today...


Aah, I'm so glad you think so! This was just a random word exercise prompt, but I am tempted to do it for the others too, hehe :D


M: I am the best at innuendo in Unit Bravo. N: Hold my whiskey.


And that was when Sera AWAKENED THE BEAST. I. LOVE. MUSEUMS. And then you gave me NAT MUSEUM DATE?? *slaps hood of Baby Car* Hot Diggity Damn ❤️💯 *adds to notes N considers art appreciation Foreplay* This will be used. This will be TREASURED


Hehehe! I'm so glad you enjoyed it! Museums are definitely one of N's favourites too, for a variety of reasons ;D