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Natasha G

One of my FAVORITE Penny "jokes" is her faces when she says something "nerdy" like when she was talking to the new neighbor in the earlier seasons about raising the shields up, ect her eyes got so wide


I do think funerals have a bit of a "superstitious" side to them (maybe that's not the best word to describe it, but in any case I don't believe in the existence of the soul or the idea of resting in peace, for example), but I get how they can also be a helpful mechanism for some people to deal with their grief. I have only been to one funeral and to be honest I pretty much hated it, because I felt it was more about the religious side of things than about the person who passed. I think in the future I'll only go to funerals in order to be there for the people who might appreciate my presence and support, but I wouldn't do it of my own volition.