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Part of the beginning was missing. Intro plays and reaction resumes after Dreamworks logo plays in full screen.


Commentary: https://ws.onehub.com/files/zg2zgwqy



I really don't get the usual complaint about The Chameleon's backstory not making sense because Mantis exists. Discrimination doesn't work like that. You think it doesn't make sense that she got discriminated because of her size? Well, THAT'S THE WHOLE POINT OF DISCRIMINATION, that it doesn't make any sense. No matter how good or talented you are, and no matter how successful other people like you are, if someone doesn't like something about you (your size, your race, your gender, your sexual identity...) they'll easily use it as an excuse to reject you. It's as if black people in the US today complained about being discriminated against and people said "come on, it doesn't make sense that black people are facing discrimination, we had a black president" (which I'm sure is something a lot of conservative and racist people have argued at some point, by the way).


This movie was a let down for me unfortunately, but I did like the animation and some of the fight sequences. Didn't watch the reaction yet but hope you enjoyed it


You make a good point actually, but I think they could have done a better job conveying that in the film. Zootopia comes to mind with how they cover racism