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Well the day finally has come, to be clear is going to be with the OW2 design and idk which character im going to do, the idea was making unpopular characters but since all OW2 characters received an upgrade, I wanna know which characters do you want ( Junker Queen maybe  available in the future as a Limited Character) I kinda wanna Zarya, Mei, Brig and Pharah but let me know if you guys want other charatcer

if someone wants Soujorn is going to be with human limbs e.e




Have u done Dva before?


mmm nope but it's kinda interesting since she is more "peachy", don't get me wrong I wanna make all the characters but we have to start with something C:


Oh I totally understand, just a recommendation for the future since she is one of the most popular ones😊


definitely brig


Widow maker or D.va


Totally cool with mei and pharah

hennie bientjes

Repping the mei, brig and pharah gang. Wouldn't mind seeing D.va, tracer, widow, and mercy as well


well if I going to do all those characters I will need at least 2 months hahahaha