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i’m done playing the victim.

i am not a victim.

i have been hurt, yes.

i have been assaulted, yes.

but i have power.

i design my life.

i decide my worth.

i choose where i go,

and what i do;

what i wear,

and if i care what anyone thinks.

i won’t care what they think.

i won’t care what you think.

i have power.

i have strength on my own.

i have power.

i am beautiful on my own.

i have power.

i have enough love on my own.

i have power.

i am finding more love here,

in my fear and loneliness

than i ever could have known

trying to drown myself in the distraction

of someone else, something else.

anything else.

i have power.

and the most power i have -

comes from not pushing away any suffering;

but feeling it,

finding it,

knowing it,

sitting in it,

looking right at it

and learning from it.



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