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i was in the garden all weekend.

my hand on your back,

you showing me the way you like to be touched,

up the spine, grasps at your hair -

a light soft pulling you closer.

the first of the flowers came when you invited me to lay down next to you.

you let me cry and get the tears on your cheek.

you told me you cry every day.

you wanted me there.

like that.

the next flowers bloomed as soon as you asked to kiss me.

i felt the borage start to bloom.

those flowers whispered i was brave.

the softness. i have always heard of the softness of a woman's lips.

but the softness -

and the honey flavor of your lips mixed with the honey of borage swept me

up and away.


and out

of my body.

wondering how your skin could feel the way it does

or maybe it’s just my perception of your delicacy.

- the next flowers found me.

when you let your hand lay on top of mine.

throughout the whole movie

lobelia wrapped herself around me

offering me every shade of blue i’ve ever known.

wrapping herself around me as we wrapped around each other.

we moved as if weightlessly from one room to the next.

each room brought a new idea

a new closeness.

and the last room that we would spend time in.


and with you i would become vitex.

you would create in me and cultivate in me

a new lust for life.

a new urgency to do what i want

live how i must.

to motivate a stirring of curiosity, or as some call it, creativity.

creativity to make the life i have always known i’ve wanted

but the ways i have interacted with people

have been grey

and sad

but you showed me how they could be.

how some people WILL treat me.

how my life can and will be shaped how i will it to be.

as i bloomed into vitex

i cared less and less about all the ways things should be

and i let myself drown in the ways i want it to be.

your face under mine

our bodies in the position i have always dreamed of.

i never knew the love i could have for giving.

giving to you,

and giving to me.



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