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So before I talk about the finale updates, I just want to say thank you all so much for choosing this weird homebrew thing for this months project. D&D has been incredibly important to me in recent years, my closest friends I know as a result of playing D&D together, it's really helped me with social anxiety and has been such a freeing opportunity to explore different sides of myself. It has meant so much to me getting to work on this. It combines some of my favorite things to do creatively, writing, game design, art, world building. This was just such a joy to work on, and even though it's a little all over the place, I'm super proud of where it's gotten.

I hope you all enjoy this content and get the chance to try it out, and I really hope I can come back and work on this more in the future. Thank you all again for your support and giving me the opportunity to do this.

Sappy stuff aside, after the brief but informative beta test on Friday, I feel like the Companion class needed a few things to buff it and prevent you from being completely vulnerable once your companion poofs. To fix that I made a few changes to how your companion poofs, specifically giving it psuedo death saving throws that allow it to resist being banished. I also added an option to heal a companion at 0 hit points at the cost of ally points. I've also tweaked the power names to be a big and more specialized buffs, allowing you to customize your companions a bit more. There are also a few minor changes to individual companions, specifically giving them a few alternative attack options that are weaker and less effective then their specialty, and also lack the multiattack property.

I've also expanded on the lore skills system, particularly adding a bit more information on how DMs should run and use them.

Besides those two things, nothing else has been edited heavily as a result of the beta test. The one-shot is hardly a thorough enough test to be making extreme changes, especially given the amount of rules and changes we were playing with. In spite of that, the Hunt system seemed to go pretty well and even without giving any of the players magic items, things seemed to work pretty well and felt like a nice balance. That said, it was only one test and I rolled exceptionally well throughout the fight, so some things may still need to be tweaked before it's full balanced to my preferences.

Also included is a ZIP with a bunch of the headshots found in the pdf, as well as some bonus headshots. Trying to vaguely mimic Richard Whitters art style for this project was a really fun learning opportunity and I'm definitely going to incorporate some things in the future.


Anorak Mallúín

Just commenting on how many times Jupiter went down during the one-shot.


Ooooh XD I was reading that as J up and jup like jupiter. I rolled unusually well throughout that one-shot, it was kind of a nice change to actually take someone down.