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I went out today and I finally decided to get a new computer. Sometime next week I'll be getting this new PC, and it's pretty beefy. So that means I'll be able to start streaming properly again, and >hopefully< I'll be able to stream some games and talk about those. On the game development side of things, I've been doing some basic writing, trying to rough in a basic story for Goblin Tale. It's coming along steadily, but I'm not 100% set on it. I've also been thinking about some other ideas that might be worth looking into. The first was, (assuming I make this game an App) creating a step counter that as you walk you get more in game walking distance. I don't know if this would work, I did some research into it, and I know that it should be possible to create a step counter. The issue is whether or not I could have it run in the background to keep track of steps without having the game active. Last night I took some time to play around with Unity a bit, just to try and get a feel for the work flow and refresh my memory on C#. After about an hour or two of play around I came to the conclusion that this will be a bit of a learning curve, so I'm gonna try and build some small 'games' / 'programs' just to practice and learn a bit. I'll post anything that I think is interesting or worth showing off. Sorry for being inactive the past two weeks, some personal stuff came up, and work was really busy so I haven't been in a very good head space. On another note, I kinda want to do some more dev burbles, so if anyone has suggestions or things they'd like to talk about or hear my opinion on let me know.




Not at all. No need to apologize. After all, real life is important so just take your time. I believe you can do it. :) I will support you on goblin tales.