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Hello to all of my beautiful and wonderful supporters! I decided I'm going to start doing a first of the month post to touch base with everyone. In this post I want to talk about the Patron Perks, round-up the content I made last Month, and give some updates on where I am headed!

1) Clip Submission Process:

I want to clarify how I will give feedback to all Patrons. First, you are allowed to submit as many clips as you wish. The more clips, the more accurately I can provide feedback. I can guarantee I will give feedback to each supporter who submits a file once a month.

However, I will be providing feedback in 15 day cycles. Clips submitted in the first half of the month will be replied to halfway through the month. Clips submitted in the second half of the month will be replied to at the start of the next month. This allows me to make a "day" out of providing feedback to ensure my thoughts are thorough, concise, and not rushed.

I wanted to clarify this and state it so everybody knows the process I'll be engaging in!

 2) Patron Live Streams:

I've dropped the ball on these a bit because I didn't realize Patreon had a built in live stream feature. I've also learned how to use Open Broadcaster Software and I will start doing a regular Patreon Live stream as I promised initially. 

3) Videos From April:

In April, I managed to make two awesome videos! I hope you all greatly enjoyed them. Here they are:

Q&A Part 1: Guilty pleasures, other hobbies, my goals, and more https://youtu.be/xNLgVZimPp0 

TransVoiceTech: The Mantra Phrase https://youtu.be/XNPPSd3AVwM 


4) Life Update:

First off, I just want to say thanks to everyone who has contributed so far. The support is absolutely overwhelming. All patrons should be aware that I am undergoing Facial Feminization Surgery on May 8th. This is an extensive craniofacial procedure which will likely take 2.5 weeks to recover back to functional energy levels.

I am taking May 6th - June 3rd off from working with voices and teaching lessons. However, I will still be working on my Patreon content. I'm looking to hopefully release 2 videos throughout May as well. One of which being a very important transvoice video following up my "Art of Transvoice" series. 

For Patrons who require voice feedback, I will likely have to wait till May 20th to respond properly as my voice will likely be hoarse/lips will be numb/etc early on in recovery. If you don't want to wait until the 20th, please try to submit your clips ASAP and I'll give them priority and get to them before May 8th.


Amelia Zheanna H. 



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