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These are download links for the HF Patch for Koikatsu. The full patch release post can be found here. Check it for a guide and more information.

Download Links

Full patch v3.28 (27GB, most people should use this)

  • MediaFire 

  • pixeldrain (click the "DL all files" button on the left to download all parts at once)

  • DropMeFiles (the website may put a password on the downloads, read the popups)

Light patch v3.28 (2GB, read below)

Which version should I get?

  • Full patch contains everything, while light patch only contains patches and plugins but no content mods. If you are a new user or unsure, you should get the full patch.

  • If you recently updated mods with KKManager, you can probably get the light patch (light patch does not contain Sideloader Modpacks). If KKManager shows more than 5GB of updates, downloading the full patch will be faster than updating with KKManager + downloading the light patch.

  • If you only want to play the main game with the default characters, you can get the light patch, BUT if you want to download custom character cards or scenes in the future you will need to come back and get the full patch. DO NOT use KKManager to update mods until you install the full patch.

Previous versions

How to install the patch

Video guides

Text guide

  • Download all parts to the same directory. You can mix parts from different sources, but the file names need to stay the same. You can use any directory other than the game directory.

  • Start the included .exe file. A UAC prompt should appear. When you click Yes the patch installer will start.

  • Follow instructions in the installation wizard (for most users all you need to do is keep pressing Next).

  • If the installation location was not automatically detected or is wrong, you will have to show the patch where your game is installed. If you bought the game on Steam, go to your steam library > properties of the game > view local files to find where the game is installed.

  • At the start of installation the patch will verify if all of the downloaded parts are in order. This can take a couple of minutes to complete. If any parts are missing or corrupted, the patch will show an error message detailing which part you should redownload. If that happens: close the patch, download the bad file again (try using a different download link and/or web browser) and retry installing the patch.

  • After the patch installation finishes you can remove the downloaded patch files. That being said, I suggest keeping them in case your game breaks for any reason and you need to install the patch again to fix it.

If you have issues downloading mod updates through KKManager, try the patron-only update server available here (don't use it if normal servers work fine since it might end up slower).

What to do in case of download issues

  • If the download is very slow or fails to start, try a different download link and/or a different web browser. If all links are slow test your connection speed. If you have a VPN try changing the server or turning it off. If all fails you might have better luck with the torrent download.

  • Make sure you download ALL parts to the same folder and that the parts all have their original names. You need ALL parts for the patch to install properly.

  • If you see any messages about corrupted files you'll have to re-download the offending part (or all of the parts). Try using a different download source and/or a different web browser.

  • If the installer asks you for another disc, it means that your download was not extracted correctly and is missing files, or you renamed or removed some of the extracted files.

  • Make sure that your antivirus is not flagging and removing the .exe file.

What to do in case of installation issues

  • If you get a "This patch is inside of the game directory" or "Path too long" error, move the patch files to a folder like "D:\HFP\" and try again.

  • If you get a "Different game is detected" error, make sure this is the correct patch for your game. KK in the title means that this patch is for Koikatu and Koikatsu Party (doesn't work on Koikatsu Sunshine).

  • If after installing the patch you have issues running the game, restart your PC and try to install the patch again with default settings.

  • If after installing the patch Studio hangs when loading, start KKManager (it's in a folder in game directory) and click "Look for updates" at the top, then tell it to update the Studio modpack.

  • Make sure you downloaded ALL parts to the same folder and that the parts all have the same name. You need ALL parts for the patch to work. If the installer asks you for another disc it means that your download was not extracted correctly and is missing files, or you renamed or removed some of the extracted files.

  • If your antivirus is flagging the .exe file make sure that you've downloaded the patch by following links in this post. If you are sure the download came from the right place, it's most likely a false positive (it's a common issue with non-signed application installers).



Why Simplified Chinese and Traditional Chinese cannot be applied to the game


Did I need to run mod updater after download and install full patch?


You don't have to unless you know you need it. There's no use updating if you're not going to download scenes and cards or use studio.

nick g

idk if its just me i took my time watching the guide but i keep running into this problem (the file koikatsu HF patch V3.19 (1) could not be located bit ik i have downloaded all the files needed for the patch bc i have done this before like a month ago


Make sure the file names of the patch exe and bin files are not changed from what's on the website.


Does it work on steam deck? I tried and install it on steam deck it's working for first time but later it can't dedicate some part of the patch and title changed to after school (no H-scane)


Yes, check https://docs.bepinex.dev/v5.4.21/articles/advanced/proton_wine.html


Yes i did it, but the problem happens when i launch the game from steam mode, i reinstall the patch and keep using it from desktop mode and everything work fine👍


Do I have to install all of the files of 3.2 for it to work?


I believe you need to add something to parameters to start from steam mode but I can't really help since I don't have the deck. Try asking on the discord server.

Emely Lichner

do i still need the special patch when i install this?

Trần Bảo

When I download the HF patch, all the H styles has been replaced with the new style. Is it possible for me to get the old style back? or add it to the HF patch (Note: At first, I add the HF patch in my Koikatsu BetterRepack by ScrewThisNoise). Also, is it possible to run BetterRepack, HF Patch, and Kplug together?


What do you mean by H styles? All original H animations are untouched by the patch, maybe you didn't unlock them in story mode, in which case you either have to do that or use the unlock all poses cheat in plugin settings. kplug is not supported, if you want to use it with HF Patch, do it at your own risk.

William Bath

I have now tried 3.21 and 3.2 and the installer always recognizes my bin files as corrupted. I have also tried all different mirrors.


Can you try downloading to a different drive, or even better with a different PC? A couple of users in the past had this issue and their RAM was unstable.


Hi, I try to download different patches cuz it has been unable to enter the story mode and stays at the white screen. I also tried to check backstage that there were red errors saying that to prevent the game from crashing. but everything is smooth in patch 2.1. how can i solve it? or that's my PC's problem


Assuming you have the Steam version, try removing all local files except for the UserData folder, then verify game files in your library, and finally install the latest version of the patch. If the game still gets stuck in story mode, try removing the UserData folder (you will lose any progress or cards saved in it though).


Ye that's Steam version. and I found the problem with my game, it was caused by male cards, only wearing the costumes owned by the game can be entered, and using mods will keep loading. Anyway thx a lot!


After launching in the VR version and selecting characters, the game loads endlessly. In the PC version, everything works as expected.


Make sure you have the latest version of HF Patch. If the issue still happens, ask in the #help channel on the KK discord server.


Having an issue with Bittorrent and installing windows 64 bit (every version) When installing it says there is a virus detected and prevents the download. Should I let it run anyway? Seems like it when researching what to do, but it seems like a bad idea.

Joey Depaul

it keeps saying file not found even though i have the files in the same directory


I figured it out, qbittorrent x64 qt6 was needed not 64 bit. Thanks for patience


What does the error say exactly? You can ask on the discord server and post a screenshot to get a faster reply.


quick question, everything works but i cant download any characters from the game, it states failed to connect to server. is there a way to fix this


When installing the patch make sure the "Use worldwide server" option in the mod list is checked. If it still doesn't work you can still get characters from other sources like the discord server or db.bepis.moe

Patrick Foster

so I got the patch and the bin files and put the bin files into the Koikatsu Party folder, and yet when I try to install the patch, I get to the "Preparing to install" section... and it's saying that it couldn't find "Koikatsu HF Patch v3.21-1.bin"... even though in order to get to this point I needed to have it in the first place, so help please?


Download all parts to the same folder *outside* of the game directory and run the patch .exe. Make sure the file names didn't get changed.

Patrick Foster

Yeah I figured that out on my own after putting the bin files back into the downloads folder. Thanks for the information though


hey i ran your mod pack but when i go over 150 in size it inverts the nipples is there an issue with the way i installed it


That's a normal limitation. Use other sliders if you need to make them even larger.


oh so thats also why the BE mod i use inverts them to cause it uses the main bar not the second bar thanks for telling me

Vin Vaeren

does this installer automatically uncensor? or do i ahve to click the other listed uncensore option and install koikatsu overlay?

Clarence Kumagami

What do I do if the installer encounters MoveFile Failed: Code 5 Access Denied?


Reboot pc, try again with nothing else running, if that fails move or reinstall the game to a different directory.


Verification failed for Koikatsu HF Patch v3.2-1.bin because it is the wrong hash. Tried a different mirror + browser, nothing works, any help?


Close all other software and run a malware scan, maybe something is messing with the file. Also make sure that the download isn't being cut short by network connection issues.


Has anyone released a "butt collision" plugin for any of these mod packs? In particular during H-Scenes and studio I haven't noticed precision in collisions. They are missing that natural "jiggly-feel." I was thinking I could create a set of parameters that can randomize collisions slightly between surfaces and IK's, and if it might add more realism or simulated complexity.

Mr A

Thank you for your patches!

Apple Jerk

Hey,When I get to(Setup needs the Next Disk)part,it says(The file"Koika..... could not be located in"E\KKmod(My folder's name).Pleas insert the correct disk or select another folder.

Apple Jerk

oh wait,I found the problem. I downloaded the wrong version of some bin files. I'll leave the comment here to prevent others from making the same mistake.


All links work fine, check your network connection and any firewalls or other blocking software.


Nevermind, im on steam deck and i didnt know there was an extra step


Hi, do I need to keep the 15 bin files after downloading the patch? Or can I delete them?


Yes, after installing the patch you can remove the installation files you downloaded.

Moka Mcdowell

I have been forgetting to update this, I think the old patch literally just up and died on me. Welp, time to download the new.


If you have the game on steam then maybe it auto updated the game which broke it.


What would be the case for me that the mouth of the characters are all opened up as a default setting, what can I do about it?

lord Butter

im just a tad bit confused even after reading how dose one up[date the current patch they have or is that just no possible?


this is my first time doing any of this, do i have to download all 3? such as everything from mideafire, pixeldrain and dropmefiles or do i just need to download from one?


Sorry if this is annoying, I don't know if you can see the message from the replies, I would really like help, I asked in discord a few times in the last few hours and no one can help me with this, I'm already close to just refunding the game since nothing seems to make it work, I just want to be sure if I can make it work or not since I really want to play the game, but it just isn't worth it without the mods.


I was able to make it work, I had to unlock it in properties.


Good to hear you got it to work, you can always ping me in the #help channel if no one there is able to help. I'll remove other messages so they don't bury others.

The Assorted Manatee

I keep selecting the location of Koikatsu Party within steam yet I continually see the same error message "The HoneyCome HF Patch v1.9-1bin" could not be located in the selected file. I've done this before without much issues on a previous computer so I have no idea what would be different here other than this being a newer version.


Download all parts of the patch to the same folder, make a new folder in your downloads directory to keep track.


is there a need to download the other 6 files besides the zip? what are they for?


What zip? You need to download the exe and all parts into the same folder and run the exe.


there was the first file that had 7 bin files, and the other 6 files in the first link, Mediafire


You need everything from the mediafire folder. Other links are the same files, just on different websites.

Johnny Lin

Thx~Marco, as always


I can't seem to use KK_HFP_38.7z.001. Every time I try to extract it I get a corrupt error. Is it possible to still use the patch without that file?


After updating the game is in japanese entirely,What should I do to change this back to Chinese?


You need to download all parts to the same folder and use the included .exe file to extract it .


Assuming you have Koikatsu Party, open game launcher and select the Chinese language.


Keep up the great work!


will this just patch over old HF patch or do i need to remove that 1st


Your out here doing gods work my friend lmao


Idk how but when I try redownloading it I don't have enough space

Ashley Roux

Anywhere I can download these files, where they will actually download? Only got one file down successfully so far after a couple hours of effort.


I don't know what is giving you trouble so can't help until you give me more info. Easiest way to download is through pixeldrain and the "DL all files" button.

Ashley Roux

Thanks I did eventually get them all downloaded, but it took several hours using mediafire. The pixeldrain downloads were actually even slower than that (about 4 times slower), so I completely gave up on that. Also the dropmefiles link doesnt seem to work.


Do I need to download the special patch from the Ilusion website or is it included in this one?

John Sunny

HF patch loaded okay into Steam purchased game that I'd been playing over 80 hours using the Steam provided patch. Now with HF patch all of the characters appear too bright and washed out, what settings will bring out their detail and colors again? And, can I turn off all of the creepy blue shadows of girls that are now present all over, everywhere, apparently representing shadows of girls not in my class?


will this patch work on the fakku version ??


So just to double check where should the patch files go, anywhere in the folder as long as its not in game directory or in the game directory? a little lost on where it should go, I have already downloaded it fine

ManlyMarco (edited)

Comment edits

2021-11-03 17:21:59 If the game got updated by steam then install the latest HF Patch again. Also check ColorCorrector settings in plugin settings, maybe the game filters got disabled. You can turn off the silhouettes in settings > plugin settings.
2021-05-17 02:15:34 If the game got updated by steam then install the latest HF Patch again. Also check ColorCorrector settings in plugin settings, maybe the game filters got disabled. You can turn off the silhouettes in settings > plugin settings.

If the game got updated by steam then install the latest HF Patch again. Also check ColorCorrector settings in plugin settings, maybe the game filters got disabled. You can turn off the silhouettes in settings > plugin settings.


Download the files to anywhere you want other than the game directory and run the patch. You have to point the installer to where the game is installed then.


hey, this is a complete shot in the dark, but i don't know what to do. After I update to 3.9, the actual h scene animations, break (in vr). I pretty much only use the vr and character creator (oculous and steam vr with party edition). I have also done a fresh install and the animations seem to break after installing the patch in vr. I have tried fresh installs and unelected the additional animations and new vr module. But the game still breaks in the same way. Also, I have launched update finder on the inital settings.exe screen and downloaded the vr update. But the animations are still broken. Any thoughts? I am willing to reinstall until everything works and have a lot of patience, but not a lot of hope


Replied in PMs. Try reinstalling the game, if that doesn't help ask on the discord server.

Mesrop Khachatryan

why does it say that the file is corrupted?


Redownload the file that failed the integrity check and try again. You can try a different download source and/or a different web browser


The .exe file isn't opening for me, I'm not sure what to do.


Very good ;A;


Yo, after installing this version, I can't connect to the character network and download characters. Any ideas or fixes on this issue?


Are you sure you were able to connect to it before? What version of the game did you have, the stock steam version?


its asking me for a disk?

Brandon Rowsey

keeps saying individual files are corrupted during installation. I've literally downloaded from all 3 sites, extracted and run half a dozen times. this time it's the studio/mat/unity3d stuff. last time it was sideloader mods. but always multiple corrupt files. nevermind. I just had to get the special patches from illusion. I'll leave my comment as a lesson


You need to download all parts to the same directory. Make sure whatever app you use to download the files doesn't rename them.


I suggest running an error check on your drive and checking its health with CrystalDiskInfo. Also check your system for malware and make sure your antivirus isn't interfering.


The Pixeldrain .exe just flagged as malware for me.


Some AVs sometimes mark patches as potential malware, you can use a service like virustotal to come to your own conclusion.


I swapped over and downloaded from Mediafire, and it didn't have a problem. Same browser.


The game just is not responding without giving me any information on errors...

Andrew Stansfield

I had issues with the MediaFire , but pixeldrain (click the "DL all files" button on the left to download all parts at once) worked for me

Pablo Esteban

Whenever I download the zip from Mediafire, it take around 16GB to download, but in the .zip, it only shows the exe. And when trying to extract it, it says the archive is corrupt


It is as it says, the download likely gets interrupted or there's some issue on your system. Try downloading from other mirror instead.


oh my lord, ive been using mediafire this whole time, dl the patch in bits, pixeldrain, get them all at once... so much easier xD


Hello I keep getting the message that HF Patch v3.12.1.bin can not be found. I have tried downloading this file from multiple sources that is listed and I still get the same message.


Make sure you downloaded all parts to the same folder and that they didn't get renamed. Try a different web browser and/or mirror.


Thank you it is working now.


the download for part 8 stops fails at 1.8gb direct down load indevidaul file from both media and pix


What's the error? Make sure you have enough free space and try rebooting and using a different web browser.


I don't have the game on steam. How do I use the VR? When I try to download the VR module it tells me I need to enable the VR DLC on steam. But I don't have it on steam.


If you have KK Party from somewhere else than Steam you then have to find the VR DLC somewhere else. It was only officially posted on Steam.


Hi. Tell me how to remove pixels in scenes? I have a Steam version.


By pixels you mean the censor? Installing the patch with default settings should uncensor everything unless the author explicitly set the scene to be censored, which is very uncommon. Try telling the patch to remove old plugin settings when installing it.


lol i was just about to update to 3.12 today

Benjamin Donahue (edited)

Comment edits

2021-11-03 17:20:24 Since KKS came out I haven't really seen anything new added from any updates or this HF patch except one new stage that doesn't load, and likely some accessoris I hadn't actually paid attention to. Not sure I really have a specific question, but after looking through facts and listings I feel like I'm missing something.
2021-10-30 19:39:23 Since KKS came out I haven't really seen anything new added from any updates or this HF patch except one new stage that doesn't load, and likely some accessoris I hadn't actually paid attention to. Not sure I really have a specific question, but after looking through FAQs and listings I feel like I'm missing something.

Since KKS came out I haven't really seen anything new added from any updates or this HF patch except one new stage that doesn't load, and likely some accessoris I hadn't actually paid attention to. Not sure I really have a specific question, but after looking through FAQs and listings I feel like I'm missing something.


Other than new items most of the updates were bugfixes and back-end improvements to keep up with KKS.


could not find file"Koikatsu hf patch v3.13-1.bin". WHY :(


Make sure you downloaded all parts to the same directory. Check the instructions in the post above for more info.


May I ask what should I do as the "Koikatsu HF Patch v3.13" always stop working at the step of "verifying HF Patch files". The task manager said it stop response once I click the next button. I'm sure I got all the files needed.


Whenever i download the 3.13.7.bin patch, no matter what browse i download it on, it says network issue. but all the others download fine.


If it doesn't show any errors then you have to let it run for a while. If your drive is slow it can take a fairly long time to complete the verification and then the install.


Make sure other applications are not interfering and that you have enough disk space free. Try a different mirror and if possible different device.


I assume the .exe file is nothing to fear? I only ask bc of VT: https://www.virustotal.com/gui/file/9a2ee4410ae0f63afdc4fec595c4d97a0a495fd8571c759eb5e9451f4cf61346/detection


Well, it doesn't mean much if I tell you it's safe myself, but two of the are machine learning algorithms and the third is Tencent while every other antivirus says it's fine, so yeah. No one reported anything wrong with the files so far either.


I appreciate the response nonetheless. One side question, are some of the creators of the sideloading mods in the Koikatsu discord? I noticed a few issues with them, namely the Dark Magician Girl pack was missing the top and hair from the Chongyun pack are missing textures.

Connor Albiston

hi i have used previous versions of the patch, when i use this one did is slower and sound disappear i dont know why, also the files on media fire are different types than the pervious ones as all but one is orange but with the older ones there is one orange and one blue wild the rest are grey with ? symbol one them. i dont know if i downloaded it wrong or what?


Try rebooting your computer and installing the patch again with default settings, except turn on removing plugin settings. It should work faster not slower. If the patch runs and installs then you downloaded it correctly.

Ark (edited)

Comment edits

2021-12-29 11:41:48 For 3.13 KK is CoordinateLoadOption compatible? I seem to keep getting error while trying to load coordinate.
2021-12-10 06:18:02 For 3.13 KK is CoordinateLoadOption compatible? I seem to keep getting error while trying to load coordinate.

For 3.13 KK is CoordinateLoadOption compatible? I seem to keep getting error while trying to load coordinate.


The official release is not compatible, but there's a build shared on the discord server that works.

Ark (edited)

Comment edits

2024-03-29 08:48:47 If only I knew, anyways I re-dled 3.12. I’ll wait till official<3
2021-12-13 23:57:49 If only I knew, anyways I re-dled 3.12. I’ll wait till official<3

If only I knew, anyways I re-dled 3.12. I’ll wait till official<3


When I try to install, I keep getting that the hash for 3.13.4.bin is incorrect, and that It is possibly corrupted. I've tried downloading it from all the provided links, but none of them seem to have to correct hash. Any thoughts on how to fix this?


Make sure nothing is tampering with this file and that the file name is correct. Try using a different web browser or if possible a different computer to download it.

Philip Cooper Widowmaker Sixty Nine

all 3 of your Direct download links for KK HF Patch v3.13 are failing can't get the files off any of the sites please help


Try using a different web browser and save to a different folder or different drive is possible. If files are always corrupted then scan your system for malware, maybe something is messing with the downloads.


I downloaded and installed, got no error messages. I didn't select "run Koikatsu Party" at the end of the installation, selected "finish" and then tried to launch the game from Steam. I got the initial launcher, clicked start game (full screen) and now the Koikatsu window is black, no sound, and my mouse cursor when hovered over the desktop is stuck on the "processing" or (whatever it's called) mode. Any ideas?


Wait for it to finish loading. It can take a minute or two on slow drives.


Hello, I have installed your mod, but some of the female character’s height and breasts have become small. Can you tell me how to fix it?


It could be many things, like unlocked limits in KK Party. It's better to ask in the #help channel in the discord server so we can ask you for details.


alright so i got everything all set up, and im able to launch it (it brings me to a mod page now, which should be right), however when going on to check and see if i have any plugins/mods, the thing is completely empty (it also turns my cursor invisible, but i think that is just a bug for it not recognizing any mods), any guidance?


Hello, I downloaded the patch for Koikatsu Party, and at first, everything was working. I had the new menu options and I had the option to check my plugins and all that. But whenever I tried to load up the 'have sex' game mode, it would get stuck in an infinite loading screen every time. Is there any fix for this?




Try updating this dll in bepinex\plugins https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/555528419442425883/931363168263999488/AnimationLoader.Koikatu.dll If this doesn't help then post your output_log.txt file in #help channel on the discord server.


How are you checking for mods? Post your output_log.txt file in #help channel on the discord server.


Okay so io downloaded the patch but I don't understand how to instal it. I download Koikatsu from: https://steamunlocked.net/koikatu-koikatsu-free-pc-download/


Can you help me figure out what I have to do to install the download?

Vivi V

I Installed the patch and everything seem ok, but i lost some scene in the game like everything in mouth, breats.


Maybe you had some plugin or mod that added additional poses that got removed, you can find a backup of old plugins in a zip file inside your game directory. If you used kplug then you need to reinstall it by following instructions in its manual.


To fix this, open game launcher, click on update, and install the HF Patch hotfix.


Simply download all of the parts to a temporary directory and run the patch. Follow the steps shown. The game has to be installed first. Check the instructions and videos in the post above for more info, if you can't get it to work ask in #help channel on the discord server.

Shadøw Striker

Dropmefiles: Koikatsu HF Patch v3.15-5.bin is corrupted

雷尔 法

hi, ManlyMarco, how to disable the translation ?


So, I went full retard and deleted the folder that had the 3.15 patch along with the zip file I used to extract the patch, and after that, My Koikatsu Party seems to be broken beyond repair. I've tried reinstalling it on steam but I just get "disk write error". Trying to fix it through running steam as Admin and clearing cache and validating files didn't work. Deleting the Koikatsu file in steamapps also didn't solve much, so I think that KKP is just completely busted for my PC now. Is there a fix to this or do I just have to get a new hard drive/reinstall steam?

David Grady

File hash of file "Koikatsu HF Patch b3.15-5.bin" doesn't match - the file is most likely corrupted. Redownload this part and try again. Expected hash: 30179f2aca9faabd2bc402bd82daaba3 Actual hash: 7d48881c01a3c6123e2a44eb4f6d947 Try downloading the single file from MediaFire. Copy/paste it into the file where you unzipped the rest, and delete the original file, then run the .exe file.

David Grady

You may have to verify integrity of game files, but after that, it should work.


i wanna download this shit but it takes so damn long holy

Thitikorn Tangphirun

can i run wizard while other file still sync pending?

Kingsley Tsang

Hello, Since I just want the mod which only shows v@gina and more lewds, can I skipping some contents to download. If possible, what are the contents that I only have to download, thanks!


You can get the light version of the patch then. You can also get the full patch and uncheck the sideloader modpack and sideloader modpack - studio.


Hello, author, I want to ask if this patch will affect the content of DLC


when installing, i get an error that Koikatsu HF Patch v3.16-1.bin is corrupted edit: now it shows Koikatsu HF Patch v3.16-2.bin being corrputed, downloaded that part 3 times already Edit 2: popped up on another part (4.bin) and back to (2.bin) this absurd


Try a using different download source and a different web browser. You can run a malware scan to make sure nothing is messing with the files, and a disk check to make sure it's not beginning to fail.


Do characters saved before the patch get saved ? or do you have to make new ones?


I just want to verify, since I had the 3.15, do I only install the light patch 3.16? Or the full? I installed the light and works fine but I dont want to miss something. I just want a full understanding on what I should do. Appreciate it.

Levi Balaan

The game isn't starting after I added the hf patch. What else can I do?


Try rebooting your pc and if that doesn't help reboot and reinstall the patch.


You can get just the light patch if you don't plan on using other people's cards that were released recently.


All of your data stays. It's all inside UserData so you can make a backup if you want.


I installed the mod but it turned my game from English to Japanese, is there a way to switch back without installing a translation mod?


Assuming you did a default installation, change to English in the launcher.

Chibi Godzilla

If the download is slow there are a couple reasons for it. 1) Your internet connection is slow 2) You are using a Hard Drive Disk to store your game files Hard Drive Disks have very, very slow read/write speeds. So they can only take in and export data so quickly. Usually to the tune of around 100 Mb/s. That's really slow. For a Hard Drive Disk to download 2GB of information, it would take an average of 267 seconds per file. Or, 4 minutes and 28 seconds. This is also assuming your internet speed allows for that much data to be handled at once. There are a lot of internet providers out there, like Verizon and AT&T, who only offer 50Mb/s download speeds providing your area doesn't qualify for higher speeds in their plans. So if that's your internet speed, double the 4:28 to 8:56 per 2GB file. Advice: Upgrade your internet plan, and/or get an NVMe M.2 drive for your computer (providing your motherboard supports it). Their read/write speeds are upwards of 3,300 MB/s if they're Gen 3, and 5,000 GB/s+ if they're Gen 4. If your internet speed is able to handle any given amount of data, these 2GB files will be downloaded in a matter of seconds each compared to minutes. My internet speed is 600 Mb/s download, and I have a Gen 4 NVMe. I downloaded the 2GB files in about 20 seconds each. So yeah. Check your computer's specs, and double check your internet provider's speeds because both are going to work in tandem to slow you down.


3) Some people seem to be throttled by their ISPs and downloading through a VPN can help a lot.


Why is there a Trojan.Malware.300983.susgen in the .exe ? (Download MediaFire)


You can try downloading from a different mirror to make sure the files are the same, but they are clean. That detection is in a lot of false positives like https://github.com/bleachbit/bleachbit/issues/948 and https://github.com/WinMerge/winmerge/issues/1132 for example.

Miku Oofer 76

This is possibly the best thing that has come into my life since koikatsu party vr, you are an amazing man

Croni Mass

whenever i try opening the zip file it says not a file or driver unplugged


There is no zip file in the downloads. Download all parts and run the .exe to install the patch.

Bubba Bonafide

i added After Party after originally installing the game and it seems story mode doesnt' prgoress at all... is this an issue?


is this compatible with better repack?

Blake Maiale

why is it that the HF patch used to be free but now we have to pay you for it?


It is free if you download through the torrent link, only the direct downloads are not free.

Alexander Trevino

so if we already have KKmaager we have to patch it manually still?


downloaded from direct link but it says my patch only works for sunshine


Make sure you download the correct patch for your game. KK and KK Sunshine are different games.


KKManager only updates content mods, if you want to update plugins you need at least the light patch.


everytime i launch the exe it just closes after i press okay after the language screen. i turned off firewalls and it still doesnt work.


Try rebooting your pc and moving the patch files to a different directory. Close all other applications before running the patch.