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Mindwipe Castle is finished, and so here's the early patron release for the game! This version includes the main story, Miranda Mode, and Villain mode. Miranda mode and Villain mode will both unlock after completion of the main story.

Here is the direct download link for those who can't access blogger: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/sfv7j7tlz7bfp7wazwip2/Mindwipe-Castle-Beta.rar?rlkey=a9nmhdf7jwm6tdyxk8yzxmi2t&st=zc80xfn0&dl=1


Mindwipe Castle Beta

Download here Walkthrough


Daniel O

This is great! I think there might be a few bugs with Ravens villain mode. When you lose it it shows Raven's winning CG while displaying text of her losing. Also I can't seem to win with her, even following the guide, it always loops back from the "neglect of Olivia" objection to dominya saying she isn't there to pamper everyone