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  • Dress Code.mp4
  • Boredom.mp4
  • Cure or Fun.mp4
  • TV Programming.mp4
  • Mind Swept.mp4
  • Robotic Service Job.mp4



Here's another set of video skits I've done recently. Had a bit of an inspired day and recorded a lot in a row again. xD

Dress Code: A girl explains her dress code to a shocked customer

Boredom: A girl decides to try guessing her harem-mate's trigger

TV Programming: A girl is checking out the hypno channel on TV

Mind Swept: Changer is dared to play a cursed minesweeper game

Robotic service job: A guy has an interesting temporary job while he searches for another



darth müller

nice ones. you would be great in spiral clicker


Thanks, and yeah, I made the art assets for adding my character to spiral clicker, just haven't had time to add it yet.