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Here's the first patron release for Mindwipe Castle. This version includes all four cases and the ending of the main story. The next version I am planning to work on adding Miranda mode, and Villain mode to the game.

Any feedback would be good to get on this project, since it's the first one I've made in this style.

Direct link for people who can't access blogspot: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/8bve7x5ukzth8pg07rhxq/Mindwipe-Castle-Beta.rar?rlkey=15qz7x6eucjs5zv3na1stg9vm&st=tczdtm6y&dl=1


Mindwipe Castle Beta

Download here



i experienced a game crash during the first part of the Raven/Dom trial (the Give Me Proof To Continue The Trial part) when presenting the part of Raven's diary about the audience. also a save option at the beginning or during trials would be nice cuz that trial and the one before start automatically and i didnt save before them.


Sorry to hear it crashed. its not a normal crash, it seems like there might be a memory crash. I'll try to see if I can optimize things a bit more. I'll see about adding a button to the trial loss scene to restart the trial directly so you can skip scenes that lead up into the trial.


That was cute! I could have done with more sexy brainwashing, but it was sufficiently fun that I found myself forgetting about that part anyways, which is pretty impressive!


Thanks. I'm going to try to include a few more CGs and some more scenes with the other modes, but yeah the story ended up not having room for a lot of brainwashing and sex occurring. xD