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The next re:View episode is currently being edited and it's about Starship Troopers! So re-watch it if you haven't seen it in a while, or definitely watch it if you've never seen it before for some crazy reason. 



excellent stuff! i rewatched this a couple of weeks ago with some friends my age and a younger guy who hadn't seen it - he was floored, it's a classic!


Sweet! I just watched this for the first time, and on VHS no less. Excited!


Oh man I can't wait! Starship Troopers is one of my favorites.


I would like to know more...


starring Dr. Horrible at his most Horribleness. (well, actually he's okay, just maybe a little bitchy.)


Excellent! A classic to be sure.


Yes!!! One of my all time favourites! Neil Patrick Harris in one of his first roles since Doogie Howser. The propaganda piece at the beginning is fabulous.


I would like to know more!


The RiffTrax presentation of Starship Troopers was a magical event. Highly recommended.


I hope Mike and Jay spend the entire time looking at Rich Evans and saying, "They sucked his brains out!"


Starship Troopers is part of my Entomologist Approved list of movies! Definite must see.


Kickass! I want to know more!


Awwwww yea! I remember duping my mom to take us to go see it with my brother in the theater....tits and violence. She was outraged ... I was blown away!


A very interesting choice. Heinlein purists don't like the movie, but, while the tone is different, I don't find the movie to be incredibly unfaithful to the book.


I love this crappy movie!


the movie is literally a parody of it's source material. it might be "faithful" in some story beat aspects, but the actual point of the movie is to satirize Heinlein's jingoism.

Kendel Fargo

I was an extra in Starship troopers. We filmed in mile square park on an incredibly hot day made more so with the ruber chest pices and helmets. But they did give me a free army haircut, and the wrap party was at planet Hollywood. Good times.


Woo hoo. I loved that movie.


I can't wait and now I have an excuse to rewatch.


"We're talking about how the social scientist brought our world to the brink of chaos, and how the veterans took control. And imposed the stability that has lasted for generations since." - That guy from total recall


Yes!! One of my favorite Futurama episodes!


One of favorite movies!


Great choice for a re:View


Just rewatched Starship Troopers with my dad over the holidays. I forgot just how awesome it is! Looking forward to the re:View!


I've always seen a few minutes here and there, but never saw the whole movie through. I did last night. It was better than I thought it'd be. Endearingly odd, cheesy in parts, awesome in others.


i watched this movie when i was 11, i still love it now, its a fucking wort of art


I remember years ago someone describing Starship Troopers as 'either greatest bad movie ever made, or the worst good movie ever made'


Ironside's best role ever!

Jason S

I'm so happy. This is the movie I annoyed them about doing a review type show about a year ago. I love this movie and saw it 7 times in the theater when I was 17.