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Half in the Bag Episode 116: Blair Witch and Don't Breathe

Mike and Jay are back at Mr. Plinkett's house, discussing two recent horror films: The rebootquel Blair Witch and Don't Breathe, a movie that isn't a sequel, reboot, or the first entry in a cinematic universe.



Happy Halloween everybody! In a month.


You guys DESPERATELY need to hire someone who knows what a fucking microphone is and how to deal with audio quality. I've been watching half in the bag since episode 30 and somehow your audio shit has only gotten fucking worse. It's irritating as shit to be me, desperately wanting to watch and enjoy my favorite web series, and you guys are still grossly fucking up the simplest shit. If you can't get the clip-on mic to work, buy a standing mic. No one will care about seeing a mic on Half in the Bag.

Marvin Falz

"I watch HitB, cause I like to listen to the discussions, although I don't care for most of the presented movies" to me is proof for the quality of the discussions.


Jay already started his Halloween celebrations. So it's okay for us to celebrate, too!


This episode's beers: Jay enjoyed a Lakefront Brewery Riverwest Stein throughout the episode, as well as at the conclusion with Mike. An empty of a New Glarus Spotted Cow served as set dressing on the coffee table, and also in the background along with a Third Shift Amber Lager. I was drinking a Sam Adams Bonfire Blonde. Thanks guys!


None of those VCRs were broken, even after they hit the floor. You've sold me a lie. I demand a refund you hack frauds! You're the Alex Jones of movie reviews!

Julianne McCartney

i think the sound being bad was a joke, esp cause it happened right as they started talking about sound quality. i have a feeling the sound being horrible was a key part in the new Blair Witch. They're sound has never been as bad as you're saying it is. Is this post a joke? I can't even tell anymore...


It's a bit off-topic but, I live in the small town of Woodstock in the UK. Unfortunately they are filming the new Transformers here which has caused some traffic to say the least. Now, having endured 2 1/2 hours waiting for the 1st movie to finish, and a further 2 1/2 hours waiting for the 5th movie to be filmed, I can honestly say that sitting in my car, attempting to piss into an empty coke bottle was the Michael Bay experience that brought me closer to my own humanity.


Breaking news, women are tanking Half in the bag rating on IMDB. <a href="http://fivethirtyeight.com/features/men-are-sabotaging-the-online-reviews-of-tv-shows-aimed-at-women/?ex_cid=story-facebook" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://fivethirtyeight.com/features/men-are-sabotaging-the-online-reviews-of-tv-shows-aimed-at-women/?ex_cid=story-facebook</a>


Even RLM's comments on Patreon are cancer.

Kyle Williams

Normally I have to go to YouTube to find troll comments where the claim is the opposite of what the source cited says


please can some people be my patrons i need immediate help!