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The Blair Witch Project - re:View

Mike and Jay revisit the 1999 pop culture phenomenon The Blair Witch Project. Does it hold up? No, seriously. Does it? Let us know what you think in the comments.



I'm 28 and never watched it :( I recall all the hype but wasn't into movies much then.


Really great discussion about the film and the question of Horror holding up. I saw Blaur Witch in the cinema (14 at the time) abd knew it wasn't real as it was released in Germany months later. But I still found the final scene to be one of the most haunting hirror-scenes ever.


I just rewatched this for the first time in a decade about a month ago. I forgot how slow it feels some points in the middle and I forgot how much was just them yelling at each other. That being said, I still enjoy it and am curious about the new one.


It requires a healthy suspension of disbelief.


Left this on youtube, but lol on you guys finding it so I'll repost. "23 now, but I watched The Blair Witch for the first time about two years ago. I was thoroughly impressed with what I saw. I'm not sure if I'd say I found it scary, more uneasy and fascinating (but it certainly did increase my heart rate at times). But I thought it held up very well and was far more genuine than most horror movies I had seen. It's quaint, small scale nature and its nebulous story greatly added to the atmosphere." Additionally I should say that I didn't even know about the website before hand, though I was aware of the directors methods of legitimately fucking with the actors.


Blair Witch or the re:View? Jay and Mike being on opposite sides than normal does hurt my immersion.


I was "actually"(get it?) in my early twenties when I saw this in theatres a hundred million years ago, and it just seemed like a clever hollywood scheme to make a whole lot of money. Kind of like paranormal activity and pokemon-go. Btw, you're hair looks fabulous Susan.


I remember seeing it and loved it. Except that someone like me that grew up in Alaska knows that if you get lost in the woods and find a river, you follow it down river. People live by water. That's it.


But what if those people are the ones building cairns and blowing snot on your tent?


Blair Witch was good but has been ruined by parodies. Way too many of them. I never want to see snot drip out of a scared woman's nose again. It would be a kind gesture if in the new one they will do the farmer's blow.


Finally something I disagree with. I found the BWP to be absolute trash when I saw it in theaters. Now, this may have been due to the hype that forced me into the front right corner of a packed theater in a hick town that resulted in both a headache and motion sickness but it had no substance and spread this nonsense "found footage" genre even further... which is a plague on modern movies.


I disagree; I'm with Jay on this. It wasn't the best movie ever but it did ride that line between movie and "found footage" pretty well. And the slow build of suspense worked well for me too.


Agree. I watched it on a rental VHS at my parents' place, which is next to a big forest. It was definitely creepy!


The thing about the Blair Witch Project is that it wasn't so much a movie as a phenomenon. It was the first movie to really integrate internet awareness and its own "buzz" long before its release.


(Oops, no return characters in the comments here!) I was fortunate enough to have seen BWP in an advance screening about four months before its wide release. The only marketing for it at the time was its website which compiled more of the "found footage" and bits of evidence (props), lending it a bit of grassroots authenticity to its concept. So seeing it in a theater without associating it with a Hollywood production with recognizable actors or director gave it a lot of credence that most horror films don't get. And with its slow build, lack of gore, shaky filming and low budget, it broke away from the trend of teen horror films at the time. By the time the movie came out in wide release, and with its stars doing interviews in the media, a lot of the film's mystique and thrill was already gone. But, for a brief while in early 1999, it was a pretty powerful little film.



Kyle Williams

I mostly remember thinking what a cool idea it was to make a movie that looked like it was found footage. It was a more innocent time!


Since I believe on September 8th is the 50th Anniversary of Star Trek, I suggest either a re:View discussion of one of the original films or a commentary track. :)


Or maybe a Best of the Worst on the three worst Star Trek films...


There IS a Plinkett into Darkness review...did you miss it? <a href="http://redlettermedia.com/mr-plinkett-star-trek-into-reference/" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://redlettermedia.com/mr-plinkett-star-trek-into-reference/</a>